你在每一步中获得的是一个承诺.您需要以这种方式编码:.then( function(){...})
1) PDFJS.getDocument( data ).then( function(pdf) {
2) pdf.getPage(i).then( function(page){
3) page.getTextContent().then( function(textContent){
API中使用了ReadAsArrayBuffer(file)函数 来获取数据.
function Pdf2TextClass(){ var self = this; this.complete = 0; /** * * @param data ArrayBuffer of the pdf file content * @param callbackPageDone To inform the progress each time * when a page is finished. The callback function's input parameters are: * 1) number of pages done; * 2) total number of pages in file. * @param callbackAllDone The input parameter of callback function is * the result of extracted text from pdf file. * */ this.pdfToText = function(data, callbackPageDone, callbackAllDone){ console.assert( data instanceof ArrayBuffer || typeof data == 'string' ); PDFJS.getDocument( data ).then( function(pdf) { var div = document.getElementById('viewer'); var total = pdf.numPages; callbackPageDone( 0, total ); var layers = {}; for (i = 1; i <= total; i++){ pdf.getPage(i).then( function(page){ var n = page.pageNumber; page.getTextContent().then( function(textContent){ if( null != textContent.bidiTexts ){ var page_text = ""; var last_block = null; for( var k = 0; k < textContent.bidiTexts.length; k++ ){ var block = textContent.bidiTexts[k]; if( last_block != null && last_block.str[last_block.str.length-1] != ' '){ if( block.x < last_block.x ) page_text += "\r\n"; else if ( last_block.y != block.y && ( last_block.str.match(/^(\s?[a-zA-Z])$|^(.+\s[a-zA-Z])$/) == null )) page_text += ' '; } page_text += block.str; last_block = block; } textContent != null && console.log("page " + n + " finished."); //" content: \n" + page_text); layers[n] = page_text + "\n\n"; } ++ self.complete; callbackPageDone( self.complete, total ); if (self.complete == total){ window.setTimeout(function(){ var full_text = ""; var num_pages = Object.keys(layers).length; for( var j = 1; j <= num_pages; j++) full_text += layers[j] ; callbackAllDone(full_text); }, 1000); } }); // end of page.getTextContent().then }); // end of page.then } // of for }); }; // end of pdfToText() }; // end of class
/** * Extract text from PDFs with PDF.js * Uses the demo pdf.js from https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/getting_started/ */ this.pdfToText = function(data) { PDFJS.workerSrc = 'js/vendor/pdf.worker.js'; PDFJS.cMapUrl = 'js/vendor/pdfjs/cmaps/'; PDFJS.cMapPacked = true; return PDFJS.getDocument(data).then(function(pdf) { var pages = []; for (var i = 0; i < pdf.numPages; i++) { pages.push(i); } return Promise.all(pages.map(function(pageNumber) { return pdf.getPage(pageNumber + 1).then(function(page) { return page.getTextContent().then(function(textContent) { return textContent.items.map(function(item) { return item.str; }).join(' '); }); }); })).then(function(pages) { return pages.join("\r\n"); }); }); }
self.pdfToText(files[0].path).then(function(result) { console.log("PDF done!", result); })
这里有一些JavaScript代码可以使用http://hublog.hubmed.org/archives/001948.html中的 Pdf.js执行您想要的操作:
var input = document.getElementById("input"); var processor = document.getElementById("processor"); var output = document.getElementById("output"); // listen for messages from the processor window.addEventListener("message", function(event){ if (event.source != processor.contentWindow) return; switch (event.data){ // "ready" = the processor is ready, so fetch the PDF file case "ready": var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest; xhr.open('GET', input.getAttribute("src"), true); xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; xhr.onload = function(event) { processor.contentWindow.postMessage(this.response, "*"); }; xhr.send(); break; // anything else = the processor has returned the text of the PDF default: output.textContent = event.data.replace(/\s+/g, " "); break; } }, true);