这样做是一个痛苦的**,因为时不时有另一个游戏打破了解析游戏标题的机制(例如"Warhammer 40,000","James Bond 007")
SELECT alphanumeric, integer FROM sorting_test ORDER BY LENGTH(alphanumeric), alphanumeric
SELECT names FROM your_table ORDER BY games + 0 ASC
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `udf_FirstNumberPos`; DELIMITER ;; CREATE FUNCTION `udf_FirstNumberPos` (`instring` varchar(4000)) RETURNS int LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC NO SQL SQL SECURITY INVOKER BEGIN DECLARE position int; DECLARE tmp_position int; SET position = 5000; SET tmp_position = LOCATE('0', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF; SET tmp_position = LOCATE('1', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF; SET tmp_position = LOCATE('2', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF; SET tmp_position = LOCATE('3', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF; SET tmp_position = LOCATE('4', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF; SET tmp_position = LOCATE('5', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF; SET tmp_position = LOCATE('6', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF; SET tmp_position = LOCATE('7', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF; SET tmp_position = LOCATE('8', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF; SET tmp_position = LOCATE('9', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF; IF (position = 5000) THEN RETURN 0; END IF; RETURN position; END ;; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `udf_NaturalSortFormat`; DELIMITER ;; CREATE FUNCTION `udf_NaturalSortFormat` (`instring` varchar(4000), `numberLength` int, `sameOrderChars` char(50)) RETURNS varchar(4000) LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC NO SQL SQL SECURITY INVOKER BEGIN DECLARE sortString varchar(4000); DECLARE numStartIndex int; DECLARE numEndIndex int; DECLARE padLength int; DECLARE totalPadLength int; DECLARE i int; DECLARE sameOrderCharsLen int; SET totalPadLength = 0; SET instring = TRIM(instring); SET sortString = instring; SET numStartIndex = udf_FirstNumberPos(instring); SET numEndIndex = 0; SET i = 1; SET sameOrderCharsLen = CHAR_LENGTH(sameOrderChars); WHILE (i <= sameOrderCharsLen) DO SET sortString = REPLACE(sortString, SUBSTRING(sameOrderChars, i, 1), ' '); SET i = i + 1; END WHILE; WHILE (numStartIndex <> 0) DO SET numStartIndex = numStartIndex + numEndIndex; SET numEndIndex = numStartIndex; WHILE (udf_FirstNumberPos(SUBSTRING(instring, numEndIndex, 1)) = 1) DO SET numEndIndex = numEndIndex + 1; END WHILE; SET numEndIndex = numEndIndex - 1; SET padLength = numberLength - (numEndIndex + 1 - numStartIndex); IF padLength < 0 THEN SET padLength = 0; END IF; SET sortString = INSERT(sortString, numStartIndex + totalPadLength, 0, REPEAT('0', padLength)); SET totalPadLength = totalPadLength + padLength; SET numStartIndex = udf_FirstNumberPos(RIGHT(instring, CHAR_LENGTH(instring) - numEndIndex)); END WHILE; RETURN sortString; END ;;
SELECT name FROM products ORDER BY udf_NaturalSortFormat(name, 10, ".")
我刚刚为MSSQL 2000编写了这个函数:
/** * Returns a string formatted for natural sorting. This function is very useful when having to sort alpha-numeric strings. * * @author Alexandre Potvin Latreille (plalx) * @param {nvarchar(4000)} string The formatted string. * @param {int} numberLength The length each number should have (including padding). This should be the length of the longest number. Defaults to 10. * @param {char(50)} sameOrderChars A list of characters that should have the same order. Ex: '.-/'. Defaults to empty string. * * @return {nvarchar(4000)} A string for natural sorting. * Example of use: * * SELECT Name FROM TableA ORDER BY Name * TableA (unordered) TableA (ordered) * ------------ ------------ * ID Name ID Name * 1. A1. 1. A1-1. * 2. A1-1. 2. A1. * 3. R1 --> 3. R1 * 4. R11 4. R11 * 5. R2 5. R2 * * * As we can see, humans would expect A1., A1-1., R1, R2, R11 but that's not how SQL is sorting it. * We can use this function to fix this. * * SELECT Name FROM TableA ORDER BY dbo.udf_NaturalSortFormat(Name, default, '.-') * TableA (unordered) TableA (ordered) * ------------ ------------ * ID Name ID Name * 1. A1. 1. A1. * 2. A1-1. 2. A1-1. * 3. R1 --> 3. R1 * 4. R11 4. R2 * 5. R2 5. R11 */ CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_NaturalSortFormat( @string nvarchar(4000), @numberLength int = 10, @sameOrderChars char(50) = '' ) RETURNS varchar(4000) AS BEGIN DECLARE @sortString varchar(4000), @numStartIndex int, @numEndIndex int, @padLength int, @totalPadLength int, @i int, @sameOrderCharsLen int; SELECT @totalPadLength = 0, @string = RTRIM(LTRIM(@string)), @sortString = @string, @numStartIndex = PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', @string), @numEndIndex = 0, @i = 1, @sameOrderCharsLen = LEN(@sameOrderChars); -- Replace all char that has to have the same order by a space. WHILE (@i <= @sameOrderCharsLen) BEGIN SET @sortString = REPLACE(@sortString, SUBSTRING(@sameOrderChars, @i, 1), ' '); SET @i = @i + 1; END -- Pad numbers with zeros. WHILE (@numStartIndex <> 0) BEGIN SET @numStartIndex = @numStartIndex + @numEndIndex; SET @numEndIndex = @numStartIndex; WHILE(PATINDEX('[0-9]', SUBSTRING(@string, @numEndIndex, 1)) = 1) BEGIN SET @numEndIndex = @numEndIndex + 1; END SET @numEndIndex = @numEndIndex - 1; SET @padLength = @numberLength - (@numEndIndex + 1 - @numStartIndex); IF @padLength < 0 BEGIN SET @padLength = 0; END SET @sortString = STUFF( @sortString, @numStartIndex + @totalPadLength, 0, REPLICATE('0', @padLength) ); SET @totalPadLength = @totalPadLength + @padLength; SET @numStartIndex = PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', RIGHT(@string, LEN(@string) - @numEndIndex)); END RETURN @sortString; END GO
在MySQL错误和讨论论坛上不时出现添加"自然排序"的请求,许多解决方案围绕剥离数据的特定部分并将其投射到ORDER BY
SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY CAST(mid(name, 6, LENGTH(c) -5) AS unsigned)
这种解决方案几乎可以用于上面的最终幻想示例,但不是特别灵活,不太可能干净地扩展到数据集,包括"Warhammer 40,000"和"James Bond 007"我害怕.
Scene 1 Scene 1A Scene 1B Scene 2A Scene 3 ... Scene 101 Scene XXA1 Scene XXA2
ORDER BY LPAD(REPLACE(`table`.`column`,'Scene ',''),10,'0')
显然这对原始问题没有帮助,但原始问题并不是那么统一 - 但我想这可能适用于许多其他相关问题,所以把它放在那里.
在表格中添加排序键(排名). ORDER BY rank
使用"发布日期"列. ORDER BY release_date
关于Richard Toth的最佳回复/sf/ask/17360801/
12 ???
函数中使用MySQL 将返回字符串的字节长度并且不正确,而使用CHAR_LENGTH()
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `udf_NaturalSortFormat`; DELIMITER ;; CREATE FUNCTION `udf_NaturalSortFormat` (`instring` varchar(4000), `numberLength` int, `sameOrderChars` char(50)) RETURNS varchar(4000) LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC NO SQL SQL SECURITY INVOKER BEGIN DECLARE sortString varchar(4000); DECLARE numStartIndex int; DECLARE numEndIndex int; DECLARE padLength int; DECLARE totalPadLength int; DECLARE i int; DECLARE sameOrderCharsLen int; SET totalPadLength = 0; SET instring = TRIM(instring); SET sortString = instring; SET numStartIndex = udf_FirstNumberPos(instring); SET numEndIndex = 0; SET i = 1; SET sameOrderCharsLen = CHAR_LENGTH(sameOrderChars); WHILE (i <= sameOrderCharsLen) DO SET sortString = REPLACE(sortString, SUBSTRING(sameOrderChars, i, 1), ' '); SET i = i + 1; END WHILE; WHILE (numStartIndex <> 0) DO SET numStartIndex = numStartIndex + numEndIndex; SET numEndIndex = numStartIndex; WHILE (udf_FirstNumberPos(SUBSTRING(instring, numEndIndex, 1)) = 1) DO SET numEndIndex = numEndIndex + 1; END WHILE; SET numEndIndex = numEndIndex - 1; SET padLength = numberLength - (numEndIndex + 1 - numStartIndex); IF padLength < 0 THEN SET padLength = 0; END IF; SET sortString = INSERT(sortString, numStartIndex + totalPadLength, 0, REPEAT('0', padLength)); SET totalPadLength = totalPadLength + padLength; SET numStartIndex = udf_FirstNumberPos(RIGHT(instring, CHAR_LENGTH(instring) - numEndIndex)); END WHILE; RETURN sortString; END ;;