似乎如果我想创建一个带有停靠图标等的非常基本的Cocoa应用程序,我将不得不使用 Xcode和GUI构建器(带有PyObjC).
我打算编写的应用程序主要关注算法和基本IO - 因此,并不主要与Apple特定的东西相关.
安装最新的py2app,然后创建一个新目录 - cd到它 - 在其中创建一个HelloWorld.py
# generic Python imports import datetime import os import sched import sys import tempfile import threading import time # need PyObjC on sys.path...: for d in sys.path: if 'Extras' in d: sys.path.append(d + '/PyObjC') break # objc-related imports import objc from Foundation import * from AppKit import * from PyObjCTools import AppHelper # all stuff related to the repeating-action thesched = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep) def tick(n, writer): writer(n) thesched.enter(20.0, 10, tick, (n+1, writer)) fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp('.txt', 'hello', '/tmp'); print 'writing %r' % name f = os.fdopen(fd, 'w') f.write(datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()) f.write('\n') f.close() def schedule(writer): pool = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init() thesched.enter(0.0, 10, tick, (1, writer)) thesched.run() # normally you'd want pool.drain() here, but since this function never # ends until end of program (thesched.run never returns since each tick # schedules a new one) that pool.drain would never execute here;-). # objc-related stuff class TheDelegate(NSObject): statusbar = None state = 'idle' def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, notification): statusbar = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar() self.statusitem = statusbar.statusItemWithLength_( NSVariableStatusItemLength) self.statusitem.setHighlightMode_(1) self.statusitem.setToolTip_('Example') self.statusitem.setTitle_('Example') self.menu = NSMenu.alloc().init() menuitem = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_( 'Quit', 'terminate:', '') self.menu.addItem_(menuitem) self.statusitem.setMenu_(self.menu) def writer(self, s): self.badge.setBadgeLabel_(str(s)) if __name__ == "__main__": # prepare and set our delegate app = NSApplication.sharedApplication() delegate = TheDelegate.alloc().init() app.setDelegate_(delegate) delegate.badge = app.dockTile() delegate.writer(0) # on a separate thread, run the scheduler t = threading.Thread(target=schedule, args=(delegate.writer,)) t.setDaemon(1) t.start() # let her rip!-) AppHelper.runEventLoop()
然后在Terminal.App cd到包含此源文件的目录py2applet --make-setup HelloWorld.py
,python setup.py py2app -A -p PyObjC
; open dist
并将图标拖到Dock上,你们都已经设置好了(在你自己的机器上 - 由于-A
这不是你要求的"额外信用" - 这已经是很多代码了,我决定停在这里(额外的信用可能需要一个新的问题).另外,我不太确定我在这里表演的所有咒语实际上是必要的还是有用的; 如果你需要的话,文档非常适合制作一个没有Xcode的pyobjc .app,所以我在网上找到的一些示例代码和大量的反复试验一起攻击了这个.不过,我希望它有所帮助! - )