我有一个扩展的通用Spring Data存储库接口QuerydslBinderCustomizer
,允许我自定义查询执行.我正在尝试将内置的基本相等性测试扩展到默认存储库实现中,以便我可以使用Spring Data REST执行其他查询操作.例如:
GET /api/persons?name=Joe%20Smith // This works by default GET /api/persons?nameEndsWith=Smith // This requires custom parameter binding.
@NoRepositoryBean public interface BaseRepositoryextends PagingAndSortingRepository , QueryDslPredicateExecutor , QuerydslBinderCustomizer { @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") default void customize(QuerydslBindings bindings, EntityPath entityPath){ Class model = entityPath.getType(); Path root = entityPath.getRoot(); for (Field field: model.getDeclaredFields()){ if (field.isSynthetic()) continue; Class> fieldType = field.getType(); if (fieldType.isAssignableFrom(String.class)){ // This binding works by itself, but not after the next one is added bindings.bind(Expressions.stringPath(root, field.getName())) .as(field.getName() + "EndsWith") .first((path, value) -> { return path.endsWith(value); }); // This binding overrides the previous one bindings.bind(Expressions.stringPath(root, field.getName())) .as(field.getName() + "StartsWith") .first((path, value) -> { return path.startsWith(value); }); } } } }