我创建了一个C++控制台应用程序,只想在Visual Studio 2005 IDE中的输出窗口中捕获cout/cerr语句.我敢肯定,这只是一个我不知道的环境.谁能指出我正确的方向?
#include#include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace io = boost::iostreams; struct DebugSink { typedef char char_type; typedef io::sink_tag category; std::vector _vec; std::streamsize write(const char *s, std::streamsize n) { _vec.assign(s, s+n); _vec.push_back(0); // we must null-terminate for WINAPI OutputDebugStringA(&_vec[0]); return n; } }; int main() { typedef io::tee_device TeeDevice; TeeDevice device(DebugSink(), *cout.rdbuf()); io::stream_buffer buf(device); cout.rdbuf(&buf); cout << "hello world!\n"; cout.flush(); // you may need to flush in some circumstances }
X:\full\file\name.txt(10) : message
到输出窗口,然后双击它,然后Visual Studio将跳转到给定的文件,第10行,并在状态栏中显示"消息".这非常有用.
std::streambuf* old_rdbuf = std::cout.rdbuf(); std::stringbuf new_rdbuf; // replace default output buffer with string buffer std::cout.rdbuf(&new_rdbuf); // write to new buffer, make sure to flush at the end std::cout << "hello, world" << std::endl; std::string s(new_rdbuf.str()); // restore the default buffer before destroying the new one std::cout.rdbuf(old_rdbuf); // show that the data actually went somewhere std::cout << s.size() << ": " << s;
将其引入Visual Studio 2005输出窗口,这是对Visual Studio 2005插件开发人员的练习.但你可以将它重定向到其他地方,比如文件或自定义窗口,也许是通过编写自定义streambuf类(另请参阅boost.iostream).
我发现了这个 'teestream'的实现,它允许一个输出转到多个流.您可以实现将数据发送到OutputDebugString的流.