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dbg_TxBuf[(dbg_TxBufProduceCount++) & (sizeof(dbg_TxBuf) - 1)] = ch;

......停止了正常工作 变量dbg_TxBufdbg_TxBufProduceCount全局变量,仅由输出函数和串行端口ISR使用(根本没有更改):

#define DBG_TX_BUFFER_SIZE 16 // MUST be a power-of-2 (this line is actually in a separate file, not that it matters)
volatile uint8_t xdata dbg_TxBuf[DBG_TX_BUFFER_SIZE]; // must be sized by a power-of-2, and MUST BE LESS THAN 256 since the 'count' vars are uint8
volatile uint8_t xdata dbg_TxBufProduceCount; // akin to a 'head' index but more useful since it allows use of every byte in the buf
volatile uint8_t xdata dbg_TxBufConsumeCount; // akin to a 'tail' index but more useful since it allows use of every byte in the buf

具体发生了什么事是编译器现在优化的代码行的方式是dbg_TxBufProduceCount正在增加(在内存中)之前,该点ch被写入dbg_TxBuf.然后串口ISR"偶尔"(实际上经常)看到dbg_TxBufConsumeCount != dbg_TxBufProduceCountdbg_TxBuf[(dbg_TxBufConsumeCount++) & (sizeof(dbg_TxBuf) - 1)]在输出函数写入ch它之前读取.因此我的串口输出损坏了.


935>       dbg_TxBuf[(dbg_TxBufProduceCount++) & (sizeof(dbg_TxBuf) - 1)] = ch;
DC84: 9006D6   MOV   DPTR,#dbg_TxBufProduceCount
DC87: E0       MOVX  A,@DPTR    <--- loads the value in dbg_TxBufProduceCount into the A register
DC88: FE       MOV   R6,A       <--- saves a copy of it in R6
DC89: 04       INC   A          <--- increments it
DC8A: F0       MOVX  @DPTR,A    <--- writes the incremented value 
DC8B: EE       MOV   A,R6       <--- gets the original copy of ProduceCount back in A
DC8C: 7C00     MOV   R4,#00     Begin computing address of dbg_TxBuf[~]...
DC8E: 540F     ANL   A,#0F      <--- A = A & (sizeof(dbg_TxBuf) - 1)
DC90: 24D8     ADD   A,#0D8     <--- A is now the low byte of &dbg_TxBuf[~]
DC92: F582     MOV   DPL,A      <--- put that in DPL
DC94: EC       MOV   A,R4       <--- (an inefficient way of loading the...
DC95: 3406     ADDC  A,#06      <---   ...immediate value 0x06 into A)
DC97: F583     MOV   DPH,A      <--- DPTR now points to dbg_TxBuf[~]
DC99: EF       MOV   A,R7       <--- load 'ch' into A
DC9A: F0       MOVX  @DPTR,A    <--- write 'ch' to *DPTR


顺便说一下,我正在使用Keil 8051 C编译器,v7.10.我不知道v7.10何时发布,但似乎我们对编译器的支持于2005年5月结束.

1> David Schwar..:


不,没有理由应该这样做.没有任何事情对单个声明中发生的操作施加任何排序.这是一个写入两个volatile变量的语句 - 它可以按任意顺序写入它们.从概念上讲,它与以下内容没有什么不同:

i = a++ + b++;


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