我想出了如何做到这一点.不是正确的Typescript方式,而是使用fallback JS方式.这是你如何去做的:
像往常一样的d3库,但给它一个别名:( import * as D3 from 'd3';
d3再次使用它可以用于WordCloud: declare let d3: any;
import { Component, Input, ElementRef, DoCheck, KeyValueDiffers } from '@angular/core'; import { WordCloudConfig } from '../../../models/charts/word-cloud-config'; import * as D3 from 'd3'; declare let d3: any; @Component({ selector : 'word-cloud', templateUrl: './word-cloud.component.html', styleUrls : ['./word-cloud.component.scss'] }) export class WordCloudComponent implements DoCheck { @Input() config: WordCloudConfig; private _host; // D3 object referencing host DOM object private _svg; // SVG in which we will print our chart private _margin: { // Space between the svg borders and the actual chart graphic top: number, right: number, bottom: number, left: number }; private _width: number; // Component width private _height: number; // Component height private _htmlElement: HTMLElement; // Host HTMLElement private _minCount: number; // Minimum word count private _maxCount: number; // Maximum word count private _fontScale; // D3 scale for font size private _fillScale; // D3 scale for text color private _objDiffer; constructor(private _element: ElementRef, private _keyValueDiffers: KeyValueDiffers) { this._htmlElement = this._element.nativeElement; this._host = D3.select(this._element.nativeElement); this._objDiffer = this._keyValueDiffers.find([]).create(null); } ngDoCheck() { let changes = this._objDiffer.diff(this.config); if (changes) { if (!this.config) { return; } this._setup(); this._buildSVG(); this._populate(); } } private _setup() { this._margin = { top : 10, right : 10, bottom: 10, left : 10 }; this._width = ((this._htmlElement.parentElement.clientWidth == 0) ? 300 : this._htmlElement.parentElement.clientWidth) - this._margin.left - this._margin.right; if (this._width < 100) { this._width = 100; } this._height = this._width * 0.75 - this._margin.top - this._margin.bottom; this._minCount = D3.min(this.config.dataset, d => d.count); this._maxCount = D3.max(this.config.dataset, d => d.count); let minFontSize: number = (this.config.settings.minFontSize == null) ? 18 : this.config.settings.minFontSize; let maxFontSize: number = (this.config.settings.maxFontSize == null) ? 96 : this.config.settings.maxFontSize; this._fontScale = D3.scaleLinear() .domain([this._minCount, this._maxCount]) .range([minFontSize, maxFontSize]); this._fillScale = D3.scaleOrdinal(D3.schemeCategory20); } private _buildSVG() { this._host.html(''); this._svg = this._host .append('svg') .attr('width', this._width + this._margin.left + this._margin.right) .attr('height', this._height + this._margin.top + this._margin.bottom) .append('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + ~~(this._width / 2) + ',' + ~~(this._height / 2) + ')'); } private _populate() { let fontFace: string = (this.config.settings.fontFace == null) ? 'Roboto' : this.config.settings.fontFace; let fontWeight: string = (this.config.settings.fontWeight == null) ? 'normal' : this.config.settings.fontWeight; let spiralType: string = (this.config.settings.spiral == null) ? 'rectangular' : this.config.settings.spiral; d3.layout.cloud() .size([this._width, this._height]) .words(this.config.dataset) .rotate(() => 0) .font(fontFace) .fontWeight(fontWeight) .fontSize(d => this._fontScale(d.count)) .spiral(spiralType) .on('end', () => { this._drawWordCloud(this.config.dataset); }) .start(); } private _drawWordCloud(words) { this._svg .selectAll('text') .data(words) .enter() .append('text') .style('font-size', d => d.size + 'px') .style('fill', (d, i) => { return this._fillScale(i); }) .attr('text-anchor', 'middle') .attr('transform', d => 'translate(' + [d.x, d.y] + ')rotate(' + d.rotate + ')') .attr('class', 'word-cloud') .text(d => { return d.word; }); } }
.word-cloud { cursor : default; -webkit-touch-callout : none; -webkit-user-select : none; -khtml-user-select : none; -moz-user-select : none; -ms-user-select : none; user-select : none; }