$(window).resize( function() { var agent=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var is_iphone = ((agent.indexOf('iphone') != -1)); var is_ipad = ((agent.indexOf('ipad') != -1)); if(is_iphone || is_ipad){ location.reload(true); } else { /* Do stuff. */ }; });
Vincent.. 46
window.onorientationchange = function(){ var orientation = window.orientation; // Look at the value of window.orientation: if (orientation === 0){ // iPad is in Portrait mode. } else if (orientation === 90){ // iPad is in Landscape mode. The screen is turned to the left. } else if (orientation === -90){ // iPad is in Landscape mode. The screen is turned to the right. } }
window.onorientationchange = function(){ var orientation = window.orientation; // Look at the value of window.orientation: if (orientation === 0){ // iPad is in Portrait mode. } else if (orientation === 90){ // iPad is in Landscape mode. The screen is turned to the left. } else if (orientation === -90){ // iPad is in Landscape mode. The screen is turned to the right. } }
我想你想要的是使用iPad Orientation CSS,它看起来像这样:
window.onorientationchange = function() { var orientation = window.orientation; // Look at the value of window.orientation: if (orientation === 0) { // iPad is in Portrait mode. } else if (orientation === 90) { // iPad is in Landscape mode. The screen is turned to the left. } else if (orientation === -90) { // iPad is in Landscape mode. The screen is turned to the right. } else if (orientation === 180) { // Upside down portrait. } }
// Checks to see if the platform is strictly equal to iPad: if(navigator.platform === 'iPad') { window.onorientationchange = function() { var orientation = window.orientation; // Look at the value of window.orientation: if (orientation === 0) { // iPad is in Portrait mode. } else if (orientation === 90) { // iPad is in Landscape mode. The screen is turned to the left. } else if (orientation === -90) { // iPad is in Landscape mode. The screen is turned to the right. } else if (orientation === 180) { // Upside down portrait. } } }