library(devtools) library(git2r) unloadNamespace("shiny") library(shiny) library(rCharts) library(dplyr) library(rjson) library(rNVD3) league_desc <- c("Premier League","Serie A","Bundesliga","La Liga") shinyUI( fluidPage( headerPanel(h1('Football Statistics', align = "center") , h2('Data on the 4 main european football leagues. Period 2011 - 2015', align = "center")), sidebarPanel( h4('Selection Parameters', align = "center"), radioButtons("League_RB", "Select League", league_desc, selected = "Premier League", inline = FALSE, width = NULL), radioButtons("Year_RB", "Select Season", c(2011:2015), selected = 2011, inline = FALSE, width = NULL), sliderInput("matchdays", "Matchdays:", min = 1, max = 38, value = c(1, 38)) ), mainPanel( tabsetPanel( tabPanel(p(icon("line-chart"), "Charts"), h4('Standings', align = "center") , showOutput(outputId = "chart1"), h4('Shots & Goals', align = "center"), showOutput("chart2"), h4('Relationship Shots vs Goals', align = "center"), showOutput("chart3"), h4('Fouls', align = "center"), showOutput("chart4") ), tabPanel(p(icon("table"), "Full Data"), dataTableOutput("dataTable")), tabPanel(p(icon("cogs"), "Regression"), h4('Predict Number of Goals based on Number of Shots on Target', align = "left"), numericInput("sot","1) Expected Number of Shots on Target",value=0,min=0), radioButtons("League_Pred_RB", "2) Select League for which you want to predict", league_desc, selected = "Premier League", inline = FALSE, width = NULL), h5("3) Click the button to generate the prediction"), actionButton("predButton", "Generate Prediction"), h5('4) Number of Goals Predicted, based on Historical Data'), verbatimTextOutput("pred_goals"), br(), h4('Average Number of Goals, SOT and Regression Coefficients in the period 2011 - 2015', align = "left"), dataTableOutput("regressionTable") ) ) ) ) )