我正在尝试使用Scala和Akka进行一些并行编程,我是新手.我有一个非常简单的Monte Carlo Pi应用程序(近似于一个圆圈中的pi),我用几种语言构建了它.然而,我在Akka中构建的版本的性能令我感到困惑.
object MCpi{ //Declare initial values val numWorkers = 2 val numIterations = 10000000 //Declare messages that will be sent to actors sealed trait PiMessage case object Calculate extends PiMessage case class Work(iterations: Int) extends PiMessage case class Result(value: Int) extends PiMessage case class PiApprox(pi: Double, duration: Double) //Main method def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val system = ActorSystem("MCpi_System") //Create Akka system val master = system.actorOf(Props(new MCpi_Master(numWorkers, numIterations))) //Create Master Actor println("Starting Master") master ! Calculate //Run calculation } } //Master class MCpi_Master(numWorkers: Int, numIterations: Int) extends Actor{ var pi: Double = _ // Store pi var quadSum: Int = _ //the total number of points inside the quadrant var numResults: Int = _ //number of results returned val startTime: Double = System.currentTimeMillis() //calculation start time //Create a group of worker actors val workerRouter = context.actorOf( Props[MCpi_Worker].withRouter(RoundRobinPool(numWorkers)), name = "workerRouter") val listener = context.actorOf(Props[MCpi_Listener], name = "listener") def receive = { //Tell workers to start the calculation //For each worker a message is sent with the number of iterations it is to perform, //iterations are split up between the number of workers. case Calculate => for(i <- 0 until numWorkers) workerRouter ! Work(numIterations / numWorkers); //Receive the results from the workers case Result(value) => //Add up the total number of points in the circle from each worker quadSum += value //Total up the number of results which have been received, this should be 1 for each worker numResults += 1 if(numResults == numWorkers) { //Once all results have been collected //Calculate pi pi = (4.0 * quadSum) / numIterations //Send the results to the listener to output listener ! PiApprox(pi, duration = System.currentTimeMillis - startTime) context.stop(self) } } } //Worker class MCpi_Worker extends Actor { //Performs the calculation def calculatePi(iterations: Int): Int = { val r = scala.util.Random // Create random number generator var inQuadrant: Int = 0 //Store number of points within circle for(i <- 0 to iterations){ //Generate random point val X = r.nextFloat() val Y = r.nextFloat() //Determine whether or not the point is within the circle if(((X * X) + (Y * Y)) < 1.0) inQuadrant += 1 } inQuadrant //return the number of points within the circle } def receive = { //Starts the calculation then returns the result case Work(iterations) => sender ! Result(calculatePi(iterations)) } } //Listener class MCpi_Listener extends Actor{ //Recieves and prints the final result def receive = { case PiApprox(pi, duration) => //Print the results println("\n\tPi approximation: \t\t%s\n\tCalculation time: \t%s".format(pi, duration)) //Print to a CSV file val pw: FileWriter = new FileWriter("../../../..//Results/Scala_Results.csv", true) pw.append(duration.toString()) pw.append("\n") pw.close() context.system.terminate() } }
object MCpi { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { //Define the number of iterations to perform val iterations = args(0).toInt; val resultsPath = args(1); //Get the current time val start = System.currentTimeMillis() // Create random number generator val r = scala.util.Random //Store number of points within circle var inQuadrant: Int = 0 for(i <- 0 to iterations){ //Generate random point val X = r.nextFloat() val Y = r.nextFloat() //Determine whether or not the point is within the circle if(((X * X) + (Y * Y)) < 1.0) inQuadrant += 1 } //Calculate pi val pi = (4.0 * inQuadrant) / iterations //Get the total time val time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start //Output values println("Number of Iterations: " + iterations) println("Pi has been calculated as: " + pi) println("Total time taken: " + time + " (Milliseconds)") //Print to a CSV file val pw: FileWriter = new FileWriter(resultsPath + "/Scala_Results.csv", true) pw.append(time.toString()) pw.append("\n") pw.close() } }
val r = scala.util.Random // Create random number generator
val r = new scala.util.Random // Create random number generator