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  * @ngdoc controller
  * @name rfx.controller:testCtrl
  * @description 
  * Description of controller.
 .controller('testCtrl', function() {


Warning: Don't know how to format @ngdoc: controller Use --force to continue.


1> Ankit Tanna..:


 * @ngdoc function
 * @name appModernizationApp.controller:DetailsCtrl
 * @description
 * # DetailsCtrl
 * Controller of the appModernizationApp
 * This controller is responsible for showing the details of the page.
 * It gets initialized by requesting the JSON for types of rooms which is hosted on the server.
 * It also requests for the details of the room for an existing reservation if the reservation id is present in the route using HRS.getRegisteredData(reservationId).
 * @requires $scope
 * @requires $http
 * @requires HRS
 * @requires $location
 * @requires $routeParams
 * @requires breadcrumbs
 * @requires UtilitiesService
 * @property {object} breadcrumbs:object breadcrumbs Handles the page level/navigation at the top.
 * @property {array} reservationDetails:array This holds the reservation details of the current/selected reservation.
 * @property {string} registerationErrorMsg:string This variable holds the error message for all registration services.
 * @property {string} roomSearchErrorMsg:string This variable holds the error message for all room search services.
 * @property {array} roomDetails:array This holds the room details object. This will be a fresh object coming from service response and will be manipulated as per the view model.
 * @property {boolean} submitted:boolean Holds the submitted boolean flag. Initialized with false. Changes to true when we store the details.
 * @property {number} reservationId:number Gets the reservation id from the route params.
 * @property {date} minDate:date Date filled in the minimum date vatiable
 * @property {boolean} isRoomDetailsVisible:boolean Controls the boolean flag for visibility of room details. Initialized with false.
 * @property {array} roomTypes:array Holds types of rooms from JSON.
 * @property {array} expirymonth:array Months from Jan to Dec
 * @property {array} expiryYear:array Years of a particular range
 * @property {array} cardtype:array Type of cards

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