我最近一直在阅读很多关于Markov Decision Processes(使用价值迭代)的内容,但我根本无法理解它们.我在互联网/书籍上找到了很多资源,但他们都使用的数学公式对我的能力来说过于复杂.
由于这是我上大学的第一年,我发现网上提供的解释和公式使用的概念/术语对我来说太复杂了,他们认为读者知道我从未听说过的某些事情. .
我想在2D网格上使用它(填充墙壁(无法实现),硬币(可取)和移动的敌人(必须不惜一切代价避免)).整个目标是收集所有硬币而不触及敌人,我想使用马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)为主要玩家创建AI .以下是它的部分外观(请注意,与游戏相关的方面在这里并不是很重要.我只是想了解一般的MDP):
现在,使用MDP术语,这意味着它创建了一个状态集合(网格),它保存某个特定状态的某些策略(要采取的操作 - >上,下,右,左)(网格上的一个位置) ).这些政策由每个州的"效用"值决定,这些价值本身是通过评估在短期和长期内获得多少益处来计算的.
(取自Russell&Norvig的"人工智能 - 现代方法"一书)
s A s' T //x=0,y=0 is at the top-left of the screen x,y North x,y+1 .9 //we do move north x,y North x-1,y .1 //wheels slipped, so we move West x,y East x+1,y .9 x,y East x,y-1 .1 x,y South x,y+1 .9 x,y South x-1,y .1 x,y West x-1,y .9 x,y West x,y+1 .1
在上面的例子中,假设你从所有其他状态的R(5,5)= 100和R(.)= 0开始.所以目标是达到5,5.
R(5,6)= gamma*(.9*100)+ gamma*(.1*100)
在值迭代的第一次迭代之后,所有其他状态保持U = 0.
import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Random; /** * @author Kunuk Nykjaer */ public class Qlearning { final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); // path finding final double alpha = 0.1; final double gamma = 0.9; // states A,B,C,D,E,F // e.g. from A we can go to B or D // from C we can only go to C // C is goal state, reward 100 when B->C or F->C // // _______ // |A|B|C| // |_____| // |D|E|F| // |_____| // final int stateA = 0; final int stateB = 1; final int stateC = 2; final int stateD = 3; final int stateE = 4; final int stateF = 5; final int statesCount = 6; final int[] states = new int[]{stateA,stateB,stateC,stateD,stateE,stateF}; // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q-learning // http://people.revoledu.com/kardi/tutorial/ReinforcementLearning/Q-Learning.htm // Q(s,a)= Q(s,a) + alpha * (R(s,a) + gamma * Max(next state, all actions) - Q(s,a)) int[][] R = new int[statesCount][statesCount]; // reward lookup double[][] Q = new double[statesCount][statesCount]; // Q learning int[] actionsFromA = new int[] { stateB, stateD }; int[] actionsFromB = new int[] { stateA, stateC, stateE }; int[] actionsFromC = new int[] { stateC }; int[] actionsFromD = new int[] { stateA, stateE }; int[] actionsFromE = new int[] { stateB, stateD, stateF }; int[] actionsFromF = new int[] { stateC, stateE }; int[][] actions = new int[][] { actionsFromA, actionsFromB, actionsFromC, actionsFromD, actionsFromE, actionsFromF }; String[] stateNames = new String[] { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" }; public Qlearning() { init(); } public void init() { R[stateB][stateC] = 100; // from b to c R[stateF][stateC] = 100; // from f to c } public static void main(String[] args) { long BEGIN = System.currentTimeMillis(); Qlearning obj = new Qlearning(); obj.run(); obj.printResult(); obj.showPolicy(); long END = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Time: " + (END - BEGIN) / 1000.0 + " sec."); } void run() { /* 1. Set parameter , and environment reward matrix R 2. Initialize matrix Q as zero matrix 3. For each episode: Select random initial state Do while not reach goal state o Select one among all possible actions for the current state o Using this possible action, consider to go to the next state o Get maximum Q value of this next state based on all possible actions o Compute o Set the next state as the current state */ // For each episode Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { // train episodes // Select random initial state int state = rand.nextInt(statesCount); while (state != stateC) // goal state { // Select one among all possible actions for the current state int[] actionsFromState = actions[state]; // Selection strategy is random in this example int index = rand.nextInt(actionsFromState.length); int action = actionsFromState[index]; // Action outcome is set to deterministic in this example // Transition probability is 1 int nextState = action; // data structure // Using this possible action, consider to go to the next state double q = Q(state, action); double maxQ = maxQ(nextState); int r = R(state, action); double value = q + alpha * (r + gamma * maxQ - q); setQ(state, action, value); // Set the next state as the current state state = nextState; } } } double maxQ(int s) { int[] actionsFromState = actions[s]; double maxValue = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < actionsFromState.length; i++) { int nextState = actionsFromState[i]; double value = Q[s][nextState]; if (value > maxValue) maxValue = value; } return maxValue; } // get policy from state int policy(int state) { int[] actionsFromState = actions[state]; double maxValue = Double.MIN_VALUE; int policyGotoState = state; // default goto self if not found for (int i = 0; i < actionsFromState.length; i++) { int nextState = actionsFromState[i]; double value = Q[state][nextState]; if (value > maxValue) { maxValue = value; policyGotoState = nextState; } } return policyGotoState; } double Q(int s, int a) { return Q[s][a]; } void setQ(int s, int a, double value) { Q[s][a] = value; } int R(int s, int a) { return R[s][a]; } void printResult() { System.out.println("Print result"); for (int i = 0; i < Q.length; i++) { System.out.print("out from " + stateNames[i] + ": "); for (int j = 0; j < Q[i].length; j++) { System.out.print(df.format(Q[i][j]) + " "); } System.out.println(); } } // policy is maxQ(states) void showPolicy() { System.out.println("\nshowPolicy"); for (int i = 0; i < states.length; i++) { int from = states[i]; int to = policy(from); System.out.println("from "+stateNames[from]+" goto "+stateNames[to]); } } }打印结果
out from A: 0 90 0 72,9 0 0 out from B: 81 0 100 0 81 0 out from C: 0 0 0 0 0 0 out from D: 81 0 0 0 81 0 out from E: 0 90 0 72,9 0 90 out from F: 0 0 100 0 81 0 showPolicy from a goto B from b goto C from c goto C from d goto A from e goto B from f goto C Time: 0.025 sec.