在阅读一些lisp历史时,从LISP 1到LISP 1.5,我遇到了这个功能:
(define (testr x p f u) (if (p x) (f x) (if (atom? x) (u) (testr (cdr x) p f (lambda () (testr (car x) p f u))))))
麦卡锡认为,"困难在于当内部递归发生时,car [x]所需的值是外部值,但实际使用了内部值.在现代术语中,需要词法范围,并获得动态范围. ".
(实际上很难找到这个功能,因为它似乎从网页本身中遗漏了.只是在浏览了images.tex文件之后:http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/history/lisp /images.tex,我发现它).
让我们在Lisp中这样做,这里是Common Lisp.在Common Lisp中,可以轻松地在动态和词法绑定之间切换.
(defun testr (x p f u) (if (funcall p x) (funcall f x) (if (atom x) (funcall u) (testr (cdr x) p f (lambda () (testr (car x) p f u))))))
CL-USER 36 > (testr '(1 (2 3) 3 (7 6 6)) (lambda (y) (and (numberp y) (oddp y))) #'identity nil) 7 CL-USER 37 > (testr '(1 (2 3) 3 (6 6 6)) (lambda (y) (and (numberp y) (oddp y))) #'identity nil) 3
(defun testr (x p f u) (declare (special x p f u)) ; use dynamic binding (if (funcall p x) (funcall f x) (if (atom x) (funcall u) (testr (cdr x) p f (lambda () (testr (car x) p f u)))))) CL-USER 38 > (testr '(1 (2 3) 3 (6 6 6)) (lambda (y) (and (numberp y) (oddp y))) #'identity nil) Stack overflow (stack size 15998).
(defun ecar (item) (if (consp item) (car item) (error "Item ~a not a cons" item))) (defun testr (x p f u) (declare (special x p f u)) (if (funcall p x) (funcall f x) (if (atom x) (funcall u) (testr (cdr x) p f (lambda () (testr (ecar x) p f u)))))) CL-USER 52 > (testr '(1 2) (lambda (y) (and (numberp y) (oddp y))) #'identity nil) Error: Item NIL not a cons
,这不是一个缺点,所以(ecar x)
(defun testr (x p f u) (declare (special x p f u)) ; use dynamic binding (if (funcall p x) (funcall f x) (if (atom x) (funcall u) ; INNER: here the lambda function is called ; with dynamic binding, the value of X ; is the current binding of X from ; the current call. : at the end of a list, X would be NIL. ; Inside the lambda function then X would be NIL, too. ; (car x) -> returns NIL ; then we are in an endless recursion ; OUTER: with lexical binding, the value ; of X would be the value of some ; binding where the function was ; defined and called earlier. (testr (cdr x) p f (lambda () ; our lambda function (testr (car x) ; the reference to X p f u))))))
CL-USER 42 > (testr '(1 (2 3) 4 (6 8 10)) (lambda (y) (print (list :test y)) (and (numberp y) (oddp y))) #'identity nil) (:TEST (1 (2 3) 4 (6 8 10))) (:TEST ((2 3) 4 (6 8 10))) (:TEST (4 (6 8 10))) (:TEST ((6 8 10))) (:TEST NIL) ; it has reached the end of the top list (:TEST (6 8 10)) ; it recurses down the rightmost sublist (:TEST (8 10)) (:TEST (10)) (:TEST NIL) ; end of the rightmost sublist (:TEST 10) ; checks the elements of the rightmost sublist (:TEST 8) (:TEST 6) (:TEST 4) ; back up, next element of the top list (:TEST (2 3)) ; next sublist of the top list (:TEST (3)) (:TEST NIL) ; end of that sublist (:TEST 3) ; checks right element, found 3
CL-USER 40 > (testr '(1 (2 3) 4 (6 8 10)) (lambda (y) (print (list :test y)) (and (numberp y) (oddp y))) #'identity nil) (:TEST (1 (2 3) 4 (6 8 10))) (:TEST ((2 3) 4 (6 8 10))) (:TEST (4 (6 8 10))) (:TEST ((6 8 10))) (:TEST NIL) ; it reaches the end of the top list (:TEST NIL) ; it goes into the endless recursion (:TEST NIL) (:TEST NIL) (:TEST NIL) (:TEST NIL) ...