谷歌图表api /服务器可以很容易地制作一个
http://chart.apis.google.com/chart? chs=600x250& // the size of the chart chtt=Burndown& // Title cht=lc& // The chart type - "lc" means a line chart that only needs Y values chdl=estimated|actual& // The two legends chco=FF0000,00FF00& // The colours in hex of the two lines chxr=0,0,30,2|1,0,40,2& // The data range for the x,y (index,min,max,interval) chds=0,40 // The min and max values for the data. i.e. amount of features chd=t:40,36,32,28,24,20,16,12,8,4,0|40,39,38,37,36,35,30,25,23,21,18,14,12,9,1 // Data
上面的URL以2的间隔绘制 - 所以每2天工作一次.你每天都需要一张更大尺寸的图表.为此,使数据具有估计值和实际值的30个值,并更改"chxr",使间隔为1,而不是2.