abstract class DaysOfWeek { const Sunday = 0; const Monday = 1; // etc. } $today = DaysOfWeek::Sunday;
abstract class BasicEnum { private static $constCacheArray = NULL; private static function getConstants() { if (self::$constCacheArray == NULL) { self::$constCacheArray = []; } $calledClass = get_called_class(); if (!array_key_exists($calledClass, self::$constCacheArray)) { $reflect = new ReflectionClass($calledClass); self::$constCacheArray[$calledClass] = $reflect->getConstants(); } return self::$constCacheArray[$calledClass]; } public static function isValidName($name, $strict = false) { $constants = self::getConstants(); if ($strict) { return array_key_exists($name, $constants); } $keys = array_map('strtolower', array_keys($constants)); return in_array(strtolower($name), $keys); } public static function isValidValue($value, $strict = true) { $values = array_values(self::getConstants()); return in_array($value, $values, $strict); } }
abstract class DaysOfWeek extends BasicEnum { const Sunday = 0; const Monday = 1; const Tuesday = 2; const Wednesday = 3; const Thursday = 4; const Friday = 5; const Saturday = 6; } DaysOfWeek::isValidName('Humpday'); // false DaysOfWeek::isValidName('Monday'); // true DaysOfWeek::isValidName('monday'); // true DaysOfWeek::isValidName('monday', $strict = true); // false DaysOfWeek::isValidName(0); // false DaysOfWeek::isValidValue(0); // true DaysOfWeek::isValidValue(5); // true DaysOfWeek::isValidValue(7); // false DaysOfWeek::isValidValue('Friday'); // false
作为旁注,任何时候我在静态/ const类上使用反射至少一次数据不会改变(例如在枚举中),我会缓存那些反射调用的结果,因为每次使用新的反射对象最终会产生明显的性能影响(存储在多个枚举的关联数组中).
可用,这当然是一个可行的选择 - 只要你不介意在整个代码库中实际实现枚举实例的传统不直观的概念.在上述例子中,BasicEnum
private static $constCacheArray = null; private static function getConstants() { if (self::$constCacheArray === null) self::$constCacheArray = array(); $calledClass = get_called_class(); if (!array_key_exists($calledClass, self::$constCacheArray)) { $reflect = new \ReflectionClass($calledClass); self::$constCacheArray[$calledClass] = $reflect->getConstants(); } return self::$constCacheArray[$calledClass]; }
interface DaysOfWeek { const Sunday = 0; const Monday = 1; // etc. } var $today = DaysOfWeek::Sunday;
class Enum { const NAME = 'aaaa'; const SOME_VALUE = 'bbbb'; } print Enum::NAME;
abstract class Enum { const NONE = null; final private function __construct() { throw new NotSupportedException(); // } final private function __clone() { throw new NotSupportedException(); } final public static function toArray() { return (new ReflectionClass(static::class))->getConstants(); } final public static function isValid($value) { return in_array($value, static::toArray()); } }
final class ResponseStatusCode extends Enum { const OK = 200; const CREATED = 201; const ACCEPTED = 202; // ... const SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503; const GATEWAY_TIME_OUT = 504; const HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 505; }
final class TestEnum { private static $_values = [ 'FOO' => 1, 'BAR' => 2, 'QUX' => 3, ]; private static $_instances = []; public static function __getStatic($name) { if (isset(static::$_values[$name])) { if (empty(static::$_instances[$name])) { static::$_instances[$name] = new static($name); } return static::$_instances[$name]; } throw new Exception(sprintf('Invalid enumeration value, "%s"', $name)); } private $_value; public function __construct($name) { $this->_value = static::$_values[$name]; } public function __equals($object) { if ($object instanceof static) { return $object->_value === $this->_value; } return $object === $this->_value; } } $foo = TestEnum::$FOO; // object(TestEnum)#1 (1) { // ["_value":"TestEnum":private]=> // int(1) // } $zap = TestEnum::$ZAP; // Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message // 'Invalid enumeration member, "ZAP"' $qux = TestEnum::$QUX; TestEnum::$QUX == $qux; // true 'hello world!' == $qux; // false
class SomeTypeName { private static $enum = array(1 => "Read", 2 => "Write"); public function toOrdinal($name) { return array_search($name, self::$enum); } public function toString($ordinal) { return self::$enum[$ordinal]; } }
SomeTypeName::toOrdinal("Read"); SomeTypeName::toString(1);
abstract class TypedEnum { private static $_instancedValues; private $_value; private $_name; private function __construct($value, $name) { $this->_value = $value; $this->_name = $name; } private static function _fromGetter($getter, $value) { $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass(get_called_class()); $methods = $reflectionClass->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_STATIC | ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC); $className = get_called_class(); foreach($methods as $method) { if ($method->class === $className) { $enumItem = $method->invoke(null); if ($enumItem instanceof $className && $enumItem->$getter() === $value) { return $enumItem; } } } throw new OutOfRangeException(); } protected static function _create($value) { if (self::$_instancedValues === null) { self::$_instancedValues = array(); } $className = get_called_class(); if (!isset(self::$_instancedValues[$className])) { self::$_instancedValues[$className] = array(); } if (!isset(self::$_instancedValues[$className][$value])) { $debugTrace = debug_backtrace(); $lastCaller = array_shift($debugTrace); while ($lastCaller['class'] !== $className && count($debugTrace) > 0) { $lastCaller = array_shift($debugTrace); } self::$_instancedValues[$className][$value] = new static($value, $lastCaller['function']); } return self::$_instancedValues[$className][$value]; } public static function fromValue($value) { return self::_fromGetter('getValue', $value); } public static function fromName($value) { return self::_fromGetter('getName', $value); } public function getValue() { return $this->_value; } public function getName() { return $this->_name; } }
final class DaysOfWeek extends TypedEnum { public static function Sunday() { return self::_create(0); } public static function Monday() { return self::_create(1); } public static function Tuesday() { return self::_create(2); } public static function Wednesday() { return self::_create(3); } public static function Thursday() { return self::_create(4); } public static function Friday() { return self::_create(5); } public static function Saturday() { return self::_create(6); } }
function saveEvent(DaysOfWeek $weekDay, $comment) { // store week day numeric value and comment: $myDatabase->save('myeventtable', array('weekday_id' => $weekDay->getValue()), array('comment' => $comment)); } // call the function, note: DaysOfWeek::Monday() returns an object of type DaysOfWeek saveEvent(DaysOfWeek::Monday(), 'some comment');
$monday1 = DaysOfWeek::Monday(); $monday2 = DaysOfWeek::Monday(); $monday1 === $monday2; // true
function getGermanWeekDayName(DaysOfWeek $weekDay) { switch ($weekDay) { case DaysOfWeek::Monday(): return 'Montag'; case DaysOfWeek::Tuesday(): return 'Dienstag'; // ... }
$monday = DaysOfWeek::fromValue(2); $tuesday = DaysOfWeek::fromName('Tuesday');
$wednesday = DaysOfWeek::Wednesday() echo $wednesDay->getName(); // Wednesday
* * @version 1.0 * * This class provides the function of an enumeration. * The values of Enum elements are unique (even between different Enums) * as you would expect them to be. * * Constructing a new Enum: * ======================== * * In the following example we construct an enum called "UserState" * with the elements "inactive", "active", "banned" and "deleted". * ** Enum::Create('UserState', 'inactive', 'active', 'banned', 'deleted'); *
* * Using Enums: * ============ * * The following example demonstrates how to compare two Enum elements * ** var_dump(UserState::inactive == UserState::banned); // result: false * var_dump(UserState::active == UserState::active); // result: true *
* * Special Enum methods: * ===================== * * Get the number of elements in an Enum: * ** echo UserState::CountEntries(); // result: 4 *
* * Get a list with all elements of the Enum: * ** $allUserStates = UserState::GetEntries(); *
* * Get a name of an element: * ** echo UserState::GetName(UserState::deleted); // result: deleted *
* * Get an integer ID for an element (e.g. to store as a value in a database table): * This is simply the index of the element (beginning with 1). * Note that this ID is only unique for this Enum but now between different Enums. * ** echo UserState::GetDatabaseID(UserState::active); // result: 2 *
*/ class Enum { /** * @var Enum $instance The only instance of Enum (Singleton) */ private static $instance; /** * @var array $enums An array of all enums with Enum names as keys * and arrays of element names as values */ private $enums; /** * Constructs (the only) Enum instance */ private function __construct() { $this->enums = array(); } /** * Constructs a new enum * * @param string $name The class name for the enum * @param mixed $_ A list of strings to use as names for enum entries */ public static function Create($name, $_) { // Create (the only) Enum instance if this hasn't happened yet if (self::$instance===null) { self::$instance = new Enum(); } // Fetch the arguments of the function $args = func_get_args(); // Exclude the "name" argument from the array of function arguments, // so only the enum element names remain in the array array_shift($args); self::$instance->add($name, $args); } /** * Creates an enumeration if this hasn't happened yet * * @param string $name The class name for the enum * @param array $fields The names of the enum elements */ private function add($name, $fields) { if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->enums)) { $this->enums[$name] = array(); // Generate the code of the class for this enumeration $classDeclaration = "class " . $name . " {\n" . "private static \$name = '" . $name . "';\n" . $this->getClassConstants($name, $fields) . $this->getFunctionGetEntries($name) . $this->getFunctionCountEntries($name) . $this->getFunctionGetDatabaseID() . $this->getFunctionGetName() . "}"; // Create the class for this enumeration eval($classDeclaration); } } /** * Returns the code of the class constants * for an enumeration. These are the representations * of the elements. * * @param string $name The class name for the enum * @param array $fields The names of the enum elements * * @return string The code of the class constants */ private function getClassConstants($name, $fields) { $constants = ''; foreach ($fields as $field) { // Create a unique ID for the Enum element // This ID is unique because class and variables // names can't contain a semicolon. Therefore we // can use the semicolon as a separator here. $uniqueID = $name . ";" . $field; $constants .= "const " . $field . " = '". $uniqueID . "';\n"; // Store the unique ID array_push($this->enums[$name], $uniqueID); } return $constants; } /** * Returns the code of the function "GetEntries()" * for an enumeration * * @param string $name The class name for the enum * * @return string The code of the function "GetEntries()" */ private function getFunctionGetEntries($name) { $entryList = ''; // Put the unique element IDs in single quotes and // separate them with commas foreach ($this->enums[$name] as $key => $entry) { if ($key > 0) $entryList .= ','; $entryList .= "'" . $entry . "'"; } return "public static function GetEntries() { \n" . " return array(" . $entryList . ");\n" . "}\n"; } /** * Returns the code of the function "CountEntries()" * for an enumeration * * @param string $name The class name for the enum * * @return string The code of the function "CountEntries()" */ private function getFunctionCountEntries($name) { // This function will simply return a constant number (e.g. return 5;) return "public static function CountEntries() { \n" . " return " . count($this->enums[$name]) . ";\n" . "}\n"; } /** * Returns the code of the function "GetDatabaseID()" * for an enumeration * * @return string The code of the function "GetDatabaseID()" */ private function getFunctionGetDatabaseID() { // Check for the index of this element inside of the array // of elements and add +1 return "public static function GetDatabaseID(\$entry) { \n" . "\$key = array_search(\$entry, self::GetEntries());\n" . " return \$key + 1;\n" . "}\n"; } /** * Returns the code of the function "GetName()" * for an enumeration * * @return string The code of the function "GetName()" */ private function getFunctionGetName() { // Remove the class name from the unique ID // and return this value (which is the element name) return "public static function GetName(\$entry) { \n" . "return substr(\$entry, strlen(self::\$name) + 1 , strlen(\$entry));\n" . "}\n"; } } ?>
class FruitsEnum { static $APPLE = null; static $ORANGE = null; private $value = null; public static $map; public function __construct($value) { $this->value = $value; } public static function init () { self::$APPLE = new FruitsEnum("Apple"); self::$ORANGE = new FruitsEnum("Orange"); //static map to get object by name - example Enum::get("INIT") - returns Enum::$INIT object; self::$map = array ( "Apple" => self::$APPLE, "Orange" => self::$ORANGE ); } public static function get($element) { if($element == null) return null; return self::$map[$element]; } public function getValue() { return $this->value; } public function equals(FruitsEnum $element) { return $element->getValue() == $this->getValue(); } public function __toString () { return $this->value; } } FruitsEnum::init(); var_dump(FruitsEnum::$APPLE->equals(FruitsEnum::$APPLE)); //true var_dump(FruitsEnum::$APPLE->equals(FruitsEnum::$ORANGE)); //false var_dump(FruitsEnum::$APPLE instanceof FruitsEnum); //true var_dump(FruitsEnum::get("Apple")->equals(FruitsEnum::$APPLE)); //true - enum from string var_dump(FruitsEnum::get("Apple")->equals(FruitsEnum::get("Orange"))); //false
你可以输入提示: function setAction(Action $action) {
13> jglatre..:abstract class Enumeration { public static function enum() { $reflect = new ReflectionClass( get_called_class() ); return $reflect->getConstants(); } } class Test extends Enumeration { const A = 'a'; const B = 'b'; } foreach (Test::enum() as $key => $value) { echo "$key -> $value
"; }
14> Noah Goodric..:我在PHP中看到的最常见的解决方案是创建一个通用枚举类,然后对其进行扩展.你可以看看这个.
更新:或者,我从phpclasses.org 找到了这个.
15> 小智..:这是一个用于处理php中类型安全枚举的github库:
这个库处理类生成,类缓存,它实现了Type Safe Enumeration设计模式,有几个辅助方法来处理枚举,比如为枚举组合检索枚举排序或检索二进制值的序数.
用法:(@ see usage.php,或单元测试了解更多详情)
getName()\n"; foreach (FruitsEnum::iterator() as $enum) { echo " " . $enum->getName() . "\n"; } echo "->getValue()\n"; foreach (FruitsEnum::iterator() as $enum) { echo " " . $enum->getValue() . "\n"; } echo "->getOrdinal()\n"; foreach (CachedFruitsEnum::iterator() as $enum) { echo " " . $enum->getOrdinal() . "\n"; } echo "->getBinary()\n"; foreach (CachedFruitsEnum::iterator() as $enum) { echo " " . $enum->getBinary() . "\n"; }输出:
FruitsEnum::APPLE() == FruitsEnum::APPLE(): bool(true) FruitsEnum::APPLE() == FruitsEnum::ORANGE(): bool(false) FruitsEnum::APPLE() instanceof Enum: bool(true) FruitsEnum::APPLE() instanceof FruitsEnum: bool(true) ->getName() APPLE ORANGE RASBERRY BANNANA ->getValue() apple orange rasberry bannana ->getValue() when values have been specified pig dog cat bird ->getOrdinal() 1 2 3 4 ->getBinary() 1 2 4 8
16> mykhal..:它可能很简单
enum DaysOfWeek { Sunday, Monday, // ... }在将来.
PHP RFC:枚举类型