这是一个快速的黑客,我扔在一起.我只在我的Mac上测试过它,只用python 2.5.我没有真正尝试过"pythonic"或高效率.该代码仅用于说明该技术.使用此代码,您可以同时按"w"或"s"和"o"或"l"来上下移动两个拨片.
'''Example that demonstrates keeping track of multiple key events''' from Tkinter import * class Playfield: def __init__(self): # this dict keeps track of keys that have been pressed but not # released self.pressed = {} self._create_ui() def start(self): self._animate() self.root.mainloop() def _create_ui(self): self.root = Tk() self.p1label = Label(text="press w, s to move player 1 up, down", anchor="w") self.p2label = Label(text="press o, l to move player 2 up, down", anchor="w") self.canvas = Canvas(width=440, height=440) self.canvas.config(scrollregion=(-20, -20, 420, 420)) self.p1label.pack(side="top", fill="x") self.p2label.pack(side="top", fill="x") self.canvas.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand="true") self.p1 = Paddle(self.canvas, tag="p1", color="red", x=0, y=0) self.p2 = Paddle(self.canvas, tag="p2", color="blue", x=400, y=0) self._set_bindings() def _animate(self): if self.pressed["w"]: self.p1.move_up() if self.pressed["s"]: self.p1.move_down() if self.pressed["o"]: self.p2.move_up() if self.pressed["l"]: self.p2.move_down() self.p1.redraw() self.p2.redraw() self.root.after(10, self._animate) def _set_bindings(self): for char in ["w","s","o", "l"]: self.root.bind("" % char, self._pressed) self.root.bind(" " % char, self._released) self.pressed[char] = False def _pressed(self, event): self.pressed[event.char] = True def _released(self, event): self.pressed[event.char] = False class Paddle(): def __init__(self, canvas, tag, color="red", x=0, y=0): self.canvas = canvas self.tag = tag self.x = x self.y = y self.color = color self.redraw() def move_up(self): self.y = max(self.y -2, 0) def move_down(self): self.y = min(self.y + 2, 400) def redraw(self): x0 = self.x - 10 x1 = self.x + 10 y0 = self.y - 20 y1 = self.y + 20 self.canvas.delete(self.tag) self.canvas.create_rectangle(x0,y0,x1,y1,tags=self.tag, fill=self.color) if __name__ == "__main__": p = Playfield() p.start()