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强制.NET Web服务使用本地对象类,而不是代理类


I have a webservice that I'm calling from a windows forms application (both .NET, both in the same solution), and I'd like my webservice to return a custom object from elsewhere in the project - it's a common object that they both share a reference to, as it's in the third project in my solution. When I call the webservice, it returns a "Person" object, but it's in the namespace of the webservice, and it's created from a proxy class that the webservice itself generated. As such, I can't manipulate it and return it to my program, which is expecting a "Person" object based on the shared copy of the class, not a proxy copy from the webservice namespace, and I get an error when I try to CType it to the correct class type.


值得注意的是 - 我已经使用了所有参数ByRef,并使用这些返回的值来填充我在返回时创建的对象的副本.这不是最好的方法!

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