#includeusing namespace std; template class Queue { private: unique_ptr queueArray; int queueSize; int front; int rear; int numItems; public: Queue(int); itemType peekFront(); void enqueue(itemType item); void dequeue(); bool isEmpty() const; bool isFull() const; void clear(); };
int main() { const int MAXSIZE = 5; int choice; cout << "1. integer queue\n" << "2. string queue\n" << "3. float queue\n"; choice = menu(); if(choice == 1) { QueuenewQueue(MAXSIZE); int data; } else if(choice == 2) { Queue newQueue(MAXSIZE); string data; } else if(choice == 3) { Queue newQueue(MAXSIZE); float data; } else cout << "Number needs to be 1-3." << endl; cout << "Enter an item to add" << endl; cin >> data; newQueue->enqueue(data);