在Sql Server 2005中,我有一个包含两个整数列的表,称为Id1和Id2.我需要它们在表中是唯一的(使用跨越两列的唯一索引很容易).如果值在两列之间转换,我还需要它们在表中是唯一的.
例如,SELECT*FROM MyTable返回
Id1 Id2 --------- 2 4 5 8 7 2 4 2 <--- values transposed from the first row
Create table mytable(id1 int, id2 int) go create Function dbo.fx_Transposed(@id1 int, @id2 int) returns bit as Begin Declare @Ret bit Set @ret = 0 if exists(Select 1 from MyTable Where id2 = @id1 and id1 = @id2) Set @ret = 1 Return @ret End GO Alter table mytable add CONSTRAINT [CHK_TRANSPOSE] CHECK (([dbo].[fx_Transposed]([ID1],[ID2])=(0))) GO Insert into mytable (id1, id2) values (1,2) Insert into mytable (id1, id2) values (2,1)