找到良好商业价值的一个很好的工具是5 Whys(用于根本原因分析,即找出问题的根本原因).黄瓜文档很好地解释了如何使用它来找到一些"好的"商业价值并且有一个非常好的样本,因此,我引用下面的解释而不是解释它:
[5:08pm] Luis_Byclosure: I'm having problems applying the "5 Why" rule, to the feature "login" (imagine an application like youtube) [5:08pm] Luis_Byclosure: how do you explain the business value of the feature "login"? [5:09pm] Luis_Byclosure: In order to be recognized among other people, I want to login in the application (?) [5:09pm] Luis_Byclosure: why do I want to be recognized among other people? [5:11pm] aslakhellesoy: Why do people have to log in? [5:12pm] Luis_Byclosure: I dunno... why? [5:12pm] aslakhellesoy: I'm asking you [5:13pm] aslakhellesoy: Why have you decided login is needed? [5:13pm] Luis_Byclosure: identify users [5:14pm] aslakhellesoy: Why do you have to identify users? [5:14pm] Luis_Byclosure: maybe because people like to know who is publishing what [5:15pm] aslakhellesoy: Why would anyone want to know who's publishing what? [5:17pm] Luis_Byclosure: because if people feel that that content belongs to someone, then the content is trustworthy [5:17pm] aslakhellesoy: Why does content have to appear trustworthy? [5:20pm] Luis_Byclosure: Trustworthy makes people interested in the content and consequently in the website [5:20pm] Luis_Byclosure: Why do I want to get people interested in the website? [5:20pm] aslakhellesoy: :-) [5:21pm] aslakhellesoy: Are you selling something there? Or is it just for fun? [5:21pm] Luis_Byclosure: Because more traffic means more money in ads [5:21pm] aslakhellesoy: There you go! [5:22pm] Luis_Byclosure: Why do I want to get more money in ads? Because I want to increase de revenues. [5:22pm] Luis_Byclosure: And this is the end, right? [5:23pm] aslakhellesoy: In order to drive more people to the website and earn more admoney, authors should have to login, so that the content can be displayed with the author and appear more trustworthy. [5:23pm] aslakhellesoy: Does that make any sense? [5:25pm] Luis_Byclosure: Yes, I think so [5:26pm] aslakhellesoy: It's easier when you have someone clueless (like me) to ask the stupid why questions [5:26pm] aslakhellesoy: Now I know why you want login [5:26pm] Luis_Byclosure: but it is difficult to find the reason for everything [5:26pm] aslakhellesoy: And if I was the customer I am in better shape to prioritise this feature among others [5:29pm] Luis_Byclosure: true!