由于actionscript 3.0基于ECMAscript,它与javascript有一些相似之处.我一直在玩的一个这样的相似之处是从函数创建对象.
var student = new Student( 33 ); document.write( student.age ); function Student( age ){ this.age = age; }
在actionscript 3.0中,对象通常是通过类创建的,但可以通过构造函数在javascript中创建对象.
package{ import flash.display.Sprite; public class Main extends Sprite{ public function Main(){ var student = new Student( 33 ); trace( student.age ); } } } function Student( age ) { this.age = age; }
Loading configuration file C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.1.0\frameworks\flex-config.xml C:\Documents and Settings\mallen\Desktop\as3\Main.as(5): col: 23 Error: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected 0 var student = new Student( 33 ); ^
package{ import flash.display.Sprite; public class Main extends Sprite{ public function Main(){ Student( 33 ); var student = new Student(); trace(student.age); /* When I add the two lines below, the code wont compile? */ //var student2 = new Student( 33 ); //trace(student2.age); } } } function Student( age ){ this.age = age; trace(age); }
33 undefined undefined
Christian Nu.. 6
private var studentName:String = "Joe"; private function init():void { var s = new Student("Chris"); trace(s.studentName); trace(this.studentName); trace(typeof s); trace(typeof Student); s.sayHi(); trace("Hello, " + s.studentName + ". I'm " + studentName + "."); } var Student:Function = function(studentName:String):void { this.studentName = studentName; this.sayHi = function():void { trace("Hi! I'm " + this.studentName + "."); }; }; // Chris // Joe // object // function // Hi! I'm Chris. // Hello, Chris. I'm Joe.
我实际上不确定是什么样的烦恼,命名冲突,奇怪等等,你可能会遇到这种方法,因为我还没有深入研究它的文档 - 但它确实有效!
private var studentName:String = "Joe"; private function init():void { var s = new Student("Chris"); trace(s.studentName); trace(this.studentName); trace(typeof s); trace(typeof Student); s.sayHi(); trace("Hello, " + s.studentName + ". I'm " + studentName + "."); } var Student:Function = function(studentName:String):void { this.studentName = studentName; this.sayHi = function():void { trace("Hi! I'm " + this.studentName + "."); }; }; // Chris // Joe // object // function // Hi! I'm Chris. // Hello, Chris. I'm Joe.
我实际上不确定是什么样的烦恼,命名冲突,奇怪等等,你可能会遇到这种方法,因为我还没有深入研究它的文档 - 但它确实有效!