/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ (function (InjectedScriptHost, inspectedWindow, injectedScriptId) { function bind(thisObject, memberFunction) { var func = memberFunction; var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); function bound() { return func.apply(thisObject, args.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0))); } bound.toString = function() { return "bound: " + func; }; return bound; } var InjectedScript = function() { this._lastBoundObjectId = 1; this._idToWrappedObject = {}; this._idToObjectGroupName = {}; this._objectGroups = {}; } InjectedScript.primitiveTypes = { undefined: true, boolean: true, number: true, string: true } InjectedScript.prototype = { isPrimitiveValue: function(object) { // FIXME(33716): typeof document.all is always 'undefined'. return InjectedScript.primitiveTypes[typeof object] && !this._isHTMLAllCollection(object); }, wrapObject: function(object, groupName, canAccessInspectedWindow) { if (canAccessInspectedWindow) return this._wrapObject(object, groupName); var result = {}; result.type = typeof object; if (this._isPrimitiveValue(object)) result.value = object; else result.description = this._toString(object); return result; }, inspectNode: function(object) { this._inspect(object); }, _inspect: function(object) { if (arguments.length === 0) return; var objectId = this._wrapObject(object, ""); var hints = {}; switch (injectedScript._describe(object)) { case "Database": var databaseId = InjectedScriptHost.databaseId(object) if (databaseId) hints.databaseId = databaseId; break; case "Storage": var storageId = InjectedScriptHost.storageId(object) if (storageId) hints.domStorageId = storageId; break; } InjectedScriptHost.inspect(objectId, hints); return object; }, // This method cannot throw. _wrapObject: function(object, objectGroupName, forceValueType) { try { return new InjectedScript.RemoteObject(object, objectGroupName, forceValueType); } catch (e) { try { var description = injectedScript._describe(e); } catch (ex) { var description = ""; } return new InjectedScript.RemoteObject(description); } }, _bind: function(object, objectGroupName) { var id = this._lastBoundObjectId++; this._idToWrappedObject[id] = object; var objectId = "{\"injectedScriptId\":" + injectedScriptId + ",\"id\":" + id + "}"; if (objectGroupName) { var group = this._objectGroups[objectGroupName]; if (!group) { group = []; this._objectGroups[objectGroupName] = group; } group.push(id); this._idToObjectGroupName[id] = objectGroupName; } return objectId; }, _parseObjectId: function(objectId) { return eval("(" + objectId + ")"); }, releaseObjectGroup: function(objectGroupName) { var group = this._objectGroups[objectGroupName]; if (!group) return; for (var i = 0; i < group.length; i++) this._releaseObject(group[i]); delete this._objectGroups[objectGroupName]; }, dispatch: function(methodName, args) { var argsArray = eval("(" + args + ")"); var result = this[methodName].apply(this, argsArray); if (typeof result === "undefined") { inspectedWindow.console.error("Web Inspector error: InjectedScript.%s returns undefined", methodName); result = null; } return result; }, getProperties: function(objectId, ownProperties) { var parsedObjectId = this._parseObjectId(objectId); var object = this._objectForId(parsedObjectId); var objectGroupName = this._idToObjectGroupName[parsedObjectId.id]; if (!this._isDefined(object)) return false; var descriptors = this._propertyDescriptors(object, ownProperties); // Go over properties, wrap object values. if (descriptors.length === 0 && "arguments" in object) { // Fill in JSC scope object. for (var key in object) descriptors.push({ name: key, value: object[key], writable: false, configurable: false, enumerable: true}); } for (var i = 0; i < descriptors.length; ++i) { var descriptor = descriptors[i]; if ("get" in descriptor) descriptor.get = this._wrapObject(descriptor.get, objectGroupName); if ("set" in descriptor) descriptor.set = this._wrapObject(descriptor.set, objectGroupName); if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.value = this._wrapObject(descriptor.value, objectGroupName); if (!("configurable" in descriptor)) descriptor.configurable = false; if (!("enumerable" in descriptor)) descriptor.enumerable = false; } return descriptors; }, getFunctionDetails: function(functionId) { var parsedFunctionId = this._parseObjectId(functionId); var func = this._objectForId(parsedFunctionId); if (typeof func !== "function") return "Cannot resolve function by id."; return InjectedScriptHost.functionDetails(func); }, releaseObject: function(objectId) { var parsedObjectId = this._parseObjectId(objectId); this._releaseObject(parsedObjectId.id); }, _releaseObject: function(id) { delete this._idToWrappedObject[id]; delete this._idToObjectGroupName[id]; }, _propertyDescriptors: function(object, ownProperties) { var descriptors = []; var nameProcessed = {}; nameProcessed.__proto__ = null; for (var o = object; this._isDefined(o); o = o.__proto__) { var names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) { var name = names[i]; if (nameProcessed[name]) continue; try { nameProcessed[name] = true; var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, name); if (!descriptor) { // Not all bindings provide proper descriptors. Fall back to the writable, configurable property. try { descriptors.push({ name: name, value: object[name], writable: false, configurable: false, enumerable: false}); } catch (e) { // Silent catch. } continue; } } catch (e) { var descriptor = {}; descriptor.value = e; descriptor.wasThrown = true; } descriptor.name = name; descriptors.push(descriptor); } if (ownProperties) { if (object.__proto__) descriptors.push({ name: "__proto__", value: object.__proto__, writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: false}); break; } } return descriptors; }, evaluate: function(expression, objectGroup, injectCommandLineAPI, returnByValue) { return this._evaluateAndWrap(inspectedWindow.eval, inspectedWindow, expression, objectGroup, false, injectCommandLineAPI, returnByValue); }, callFunctionOn: function(objectId, expression, args, returnByValue) { var parsedObjectId = this._parseObjectId(objectId); var object = this._objectForId(parsedObjectId); if (!object) return "Could not find object with given id"; if (args) { var resolvedArgs = []; args = eval(args); for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { var objectId = args[i].objectId; if (objectId) { var parsedArgId = this._parseObjectId(objectId); if (!parsedArgId || parsedArgId.injectedScriptId !== injectedScriptId) return "Arguments should belong to the same JavaScript world as the target object."; var resolvedArg = this._objectForId(parsedArgId); if (!resolvedArg) return "Could not find object with given id"; resolvedArgs.push(resolvedArg); } else if ("value" in args[i]) resolvedArgs.push(args[i].value); else resolvedArgs.push(undefined); } } try { var objectGroup = this._idToObjectGroupName[parsedObjectId.id]; var func = eval("(" + expression + ")"); if (typeof func !== "function") return "Given expression does not evaluate to a function"; return { wasThrown: false, result: this._wrapObject(func.apply(object, resolvedArgs), objectGroup, returnByValue) }; } catch (e) { return this._createThrownValue(e, objectGroup); } }, _evaluateAndWrap: function(evalFunction, object, expression, objectGroup, isEvalOnCallFrame, injectCommandLineAPI, returnByValue) { try { return { wasThrown: false, result: this._wrapObject(this._evaluateOn(evalFunction, object, expression, isEvalOnCallFrame, injectCommandLineAPI), objectGroup, returnByValue) }; } catch (e) { return this._createThrownValue(e, objectGroup); } }, _createThrownValue: function(value, objectGroup) { var remoteObject = this._wrapObject(value, objectGroup); try { remoteObject.description = this._toString(value); } catch (e) {} return { wasThrown: true, result: remoteObject }; }, _evaluateOn: function(evalFunction, object, expression, isEvalOnCallFrame, injectCommandLineAPI) { // Only install command line api object for the time of evaluation. // Surround the expression in with statements to inject our command line API so that // the window object properties still take more precedent than our API functions. try { if (injectCommandLineAPI && inspectedWindow.console) { inspectedWindow.console._commandLineAPI = new CommandLineAPI(this._commandLineAPIImpl, isEvalOnCallFrame ? object : null); expression = "with ((window && window.console && window.console._commandLineAPI) || {}) {\n" + expression + "\n}"; } return evalFunction.call(object, expression); } finally { if (injectCommandLineAPI && inspectedWindow.console) delete inspectedWindow.console._commandLineAPI; } }, wrapCallFrames: function(callFrame) { if (!callFrame) return false; var result = []; var depth = 0; do { result.push(new InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy(depth++, callFrame)); callFrame = callFrame.caller; } while (callFrame); return result; }, evaluateOnCallFrame: function(topCallFrame, callFrameId, expression, objectGroup, injectCommandLineAPI, returnByValue) { var callFrame = this._callFrameForId(topCallFrame, callFrameId); if (!callFrame) return "Could not find call frame with given id"; return this._evaluateAndWrap(callFrame.evaluate, callFrame, expression, objectGroup, true, injectCommandLineAPI, returnByValue); }, _callFrameForId: function(topCallFrame, callFrameId) { var parsedCallFrameId = eval("(" + callFrameId + ")"); var ordinal = parsedCallFrameId.ordinal; var callFrame = topCallFrame; while (--ordinal >= 0 && callFrame) callFrame = callFrame.caller; return callFrame; }, _objectForId: function(objectId) { return this._idToWrappedObject[objectId.id]; }, nodeForObjectId: function(objectId) { var parsedObjectId = this._parseObjectId(objectId); var object = this._objectForId(parsedObjectId); if (!object || this._subtype(object) !== "node") return null; return object; }, _isDefined: function(object) { return object || this._isHTMLAllCollection(object); }, _isHTMLAllCollection: function(object) { // document.all is reported as undefined, but we still want to process it. return (typeof object === "undefined") && InjectedScriptHost.isHTMLAllCollection(object); }, _subtype: function(obj) { if (obj === null) return "null"; var type = typeof obj; if (this.isPrimitiveValue(obj)) return null; if (this._isHTMLAllCollection(obj)) return "array"; var preciseType = InjectedScriptHost.type(obj); if (preciseType) return preciseType; // FireBug's array detection. try { if (typeof obj.splice === "function" && isFinite(obj.length)) return "array"; if (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Arguments]" && isFinite(obj.length)) // arguments. return "array"; } catch (e) { } // If owning frame has navigated to somewhere else window properties will be undefined. return null; }, _describe: function(obj) { if (this.isPrimitiveValue(obj)) return null; // Type is object, get subtype. var subtype = this._subtype(obj); if (subtype === "regexp") return this._toString(obj); if (subtype === "date") return this._toString(obj); var className = InjectedScriptHost.internalConstructorName(obj); if (subtype === "array") { if (typeof obj.length === "number") className += "[" + obj.length + "]"; return className; } // NodeList in JSC is a function, check for array prior to this. if (typeof obj === "function") return this._toString(obj); if (className === "Object") { // In Chromium DOM wrapper prototypes will have Object as their constructor name, // get the real DOM wrapper name from the constructor property. var constructorName = obj.constructor && obj.constructor.name; if (constructorName) return constructorName; } return className; }, _toString: function(obj) { // We don't use String(obj) because inspectedWindow.String is undefined if owning frame navigated to another page. return "" + obj; } } var injectedScript = new InjectedScript(); InjectedScript.RemoteObject = function(object, objectGroupName, forceValueType) { this.type = typeof object; if (injectedScript.isPrimitiveValue(object) || object === null || forceValueType) { // We don't send undefined values over JSON. if (typeof object !== "undefined") this.value = object; // Null object is object with 'null' subtype' if (object === null) this.subtype = "null"; // Provide user-friendly number values. if (typeof object === "number") this.description = object + ""; return; } this.objectId = injectedScript._bind(object, objectGroupName); var subtype = injectedScript._subtype(object) if (subtype) this.subtype = subtype; this.className = InjectedScriptHost.internalConstructorName(object); this.description = injectedScript._describe(object); } InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy = function(ordinal, callFrame) { this.callFrameId = "{\"ordinal\":" + ordinal + ",\"injectedScriptId\":" + injectedScriptId + "}"; this.functionName = (callFrame.type === "function" ? callFrame.functionName : ""); this.location = { scriptId: String(callFrame.sourceID), lineNumber: callFrame.line, columnNumber: callFrame.column }; this.scopeChain = this._wrapScopeChain(callFrame); this.this = injectedScript._wrapObject(callFrame.thisObject, "backtrace"); } InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy.prototype = { _wrapScopeChain: function(callFrame) { const GLOBAL_SCOPE = 0; const LOCAL_SCOPE = 1; const WITH_SCOPE = 2; const CLOSURE_SCOPE = 3; const CATCH_SCOPE = 4; var scopeTypeNames = {}; scopeTypeNames[GLOBAL_SCOPE] = "global"; scopeTypeNames[LOCAL_SCOPE] = "local"; scopeTypeNames[WITH_SCOPE] = "with"; scopeTypeNames[CLOSURE_SCOPE] = "closure"; scopeTypeNames[CATCH_SCOPE] = "catch"; var scopeChain = callFrame.scopeChain; var scopeChainProxy = []; var foundLocalScope = false; for (var i = 0; i < scopeChain.length; i++) { var scope = {}; scope.object = injectedScript._wrapObject(scopeChain[i], "backtrace"); var scopeType = callFrame.scopeType(i); scope.type = scopeTypeNames[scopeType]; scopeChainProxy.push(scope); } return scopeChainProxy; } } function CommandLineAPI(commandLineAPIImpl, callFrame) { function inScopeVariables(member) { if (!callFrame) return false; var scopeChain = callFrame.scopeChain; for (var i = 0; i < scopeChain.length; ++i) { if (member in scopeChain[i]) return true; } return false; } for (var i = 0; i < CommandLineAPI.members_.length; ++i) { var member = CommandLineAPI.members_[i]; if (member in inspectedWindow || inScopeVariables(member)) continue; this[member] = bind(commandLineAPIImpl, commandLineAPIImpl[member]); } for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { var member = "$" + i; if (member in inspectedWindow || inScopeVariables(member)) continue; this.__defineGetter__("$" + i, bind(commandLineAPIImpl, commandLineAPIImpl._inspectedObject, i)); } } CommandLineAPI.members_ = [ "$", "$$", "$x", "dir", "dirxml", "keys", "values", "profile", "profileEnd", "monitorEvents", "unmonitorEvents", "inspect", "copy", "clear", "getEventListeners" ]; function CommandLineAPIImpl() { } CommandLineAPIImpl.prototype = { $: function() { return document.getElementById.apply(document, arguments) }, $$: function() { return document.querySelectorAll.apply(document, arguments) }, $x: function(xpath, context) { var doc = (context && context.ownerDocument) || inspectedWindow.document; var result = doc.evaluate(xpath, context || doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); switch (result.resultType) { case XPathResult.NUMBER_TYPE: return result.numberValue; case XPathResult.STRING_TYPE: return result.stringValue; case XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE: return result.booleanValue; default: var nodes = []; var node; while (node = result.iterateNext()) nodes.push(node); return nodes; } }, dir: function() { return console.dir.apply(console, arguments) }, dirxml: function() { return console.dirxml.apply(console, arguments) }, keys: function(object) { return Object.keys(object); }, values: function(object) { var result = []; for (var key in object) result.push(object[key]); return result; }, profile: function() { return console.profile.apply(console, arguments) }, profileEnd: function() { return console.profileEnd.apply(console, arguments) }, monitorEvents: function(object, types) { if (!object || !object.addEventListener || !object.removeEventListener) return; types = this._normalizeEventTypes(types); for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) { object.removeEventListener(types[i], this._logEvent, false); object.addEventListener(types[i], this._logEvent, false); } }, unmonitorEvents: function(object, types) { if (!object || !object.addEventListener || !object.removeEventListener) return; types = this._normalizeEventTypes(types); for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) object.removeEventListener(types[i], this._logEvent, false); }, inspect: function(object) { return injectedScript._inspect(object); }, copy: function(object) { if (injectedScript._subtype(object) === "node") object = object.outerHTML; InjectedScriptHost.copyText(object); }, clear: function() { InjectedScriptHost.clearConsoleMessages(); }, getEventListeners: function(node) { return InjectedScriptHost.getEventListeners(node); }, _inspectedObject: function(num) { return InjectedScriptHost.inspectedObject(num); }, _normalizeEventTypes: function(types) { if (typeof types === "undefined") types = [ "mouse", "key", "touch", "control", "load", "unload", "abort", "error", "select", "change", "submit", "reset", "focus", "blur", "resize", "scroll", "search", "devicemotion", "deviceorientation" ]; else if (typeof types === "string") types = [ types ]; var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { if (types[i] === "mouse") result.splice(0, 0, "mousedown", "mouseup", "click", "dblclick", "mousemove", "mouseover", "mouseout", "mousewheel"); else if (types[i] === "key") result.splice(0, 0, "keydown", "keyup", "keypress", "textInput"); else if (types[i] === "touch") result.splice(0, 0, "touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend", "touchcancel"); else if (types[i] === "control") result.splice(0, 0, "resize", "scroll", "zoom", "focus", "blur", "select", "change", "submit", "reset"); else result.push(types[i]); } return result; }, _logEvent: function(event) { console.log(event.type, event); } } injectedScript._commandLineAPIImpl = new CommandLineAPIImpl(); return injectedScript; })
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它由WebKit 的Web检查员使用.你可以在这里查看来源.
它由WebKit 的Web检查员使用.你可以在这里查看来源.