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optimisticResponse与Apollo Client中的更新?


我想在突变后使用乐观的UI更新:https: //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/basics/mutations.html

我对“ optimisticResponse”和“ update”之间的关系感到困惑。


    const CommentPageWithData = graphql(submitComment, {
      props: ({ ownProps, mutate }) => ({
        submit: ({ repoFullName, commentContent }) => mutate({
          variables: { repoFullName, commentContent },

          optimisticResponse: {
            __typename: 'Mutation',
            submitComment: {
              __typename: 'Comment',
              // Note that we can access the props of the container at `ownProps` if we
              // need that information to compute the optimistic response
              postedBy: ownProps.currentUser,
              createdAt: +new Date,
              content: commentContent,



    const text = 'Hello, world!';

      mutation: TodoCreateMutation,
      variables: {
      update: (proxy, { data: { createTodo } }) => {
        // Read the data from our cache for this query.
        const data = proxy.readQuery({ query: TodoAppQuery });

        // Add our todo from the mutation to the end.

        // Write our data back to the cache.
        proxy.writeQuery({ query: TodoAppQuery, data });



1> Evanss..:



2> 小智..:


As per the docs, if you are updating an existing item, say editing a title of a todo item, you only need optimisticResponse. Why? because the cache contains the node, and you only need to tell it that something new happened with the new node, which is immediately reflected on the UI.

optimisticResponse just provides an 'immediate' result data from a mutation.

Now we have a second case, you want to add a new Todo item to the list. First, the cache needs to know that a new item is created. As soon as you provide the update attribute to a Mutation, you are taking control of the caches' state.

update takes place of refetchQueries, which means you are in control of the cache state.

With update you can reach into the cache and modify/append exclusively the node you need, as opposed to maybe refetching an entire hierarchy of data. However, you are still waiting for the Mutation to finish. If you provide the update along side the optimisticResponse, you are providing an immediate assumed response, and giving it to your personal update function, which then instantly updates the cache.

The reason these two are paired in scenario two, is that you are completely bypassing the server responses. If you just give a 'immediate' response, Apollo is still in the mode where it waits for the server to update cache. update lets you highjack that as well, and do it client side.


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