[DllImport("shlwapi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] private static extern int StrCmpLogicalW(string psz1, string psz2);
迈克尔·卡普兰(Michael Kaplan)提供了一些关于此功能如何工作的示例,以及为使Vista更直观地工作所做的更改.此功能的优点是它将与其运行的Windows版本具有相同的行为,但这确实意味着它在Windows版本之间有所不同,因此您需要考虑这是否对您来说是个问题.
[SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] internal static class SafeNativeMethods { [DllImport("shlwapi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern int StrCmpLogicalW(string psz1, string psz2); } public sealed class NaturalStringComparer : IComparer{ public int Compare(string a, string b) { return SafeNativeMethods.StrCmpLogicalW(a, b); } } public sealed class NaturalFileInfoNameComparer : IComparer { public int Compare(FileInfo a, FileInfo b) { return SafeNativeMethods.StrCmpLogicalW(a.Name, b.Name); } }
public static IOrderedEnumerableOrderByAlphaNumeric (this IEnumerable source, Func selector) { int max = source .SelectMany(i => Regex.Matches(selector(i), @"\d+").Cast ().Select(m => (int?)m.Value.Length)) .Max() ?? 0; return source.OrderBy(i => Regex.Replace(selector(i), @"\d+", m => m.Value.PadLeft(max, '0'))); }
现有的实现都不是很好,所以我自己编写了.结果几乎与现代版本的Windows资源管理器(Windows 7/8)使用的排序相同.我见过的唯一区别是1)虽然Windows曾经(例如XP)处理任意长度的数字,但它现在限制为19位 - 我的是无限制的,2)Windows与某些Unicode数字集合给出不一致的结果 - 我的工作罚款(虽然它没有在数字上比较来自代理对的数字;也没有Windows),3)我不能区分不同类型的非主要排序权重,如果它们出现在不同的部分(例如"e-1é"vs" é1e-" - 数字之前和之后的部分具有变音符号和标点符号权重差异).
public static int CompareNatural(string strA, string strB) { return CompareNatural(strA, strB, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase); } public static int CompareNatural(string strA, string strB, CultureInfo culture, CompareOptions options) { CompareInfo cmp = culture.CompareInfo; int iA = 0; int iB = 0; int softResult = 0; int softResultWeight = 0; while (iA < strA.Length && iB < strB.Length) { bool isDigitA = Char.IsDigit(strA[iA]); bool isDigitB = Char.IsDigit(strB[iB]); if (isDigitA != isDigitB) { return cmp.Compare(strA, iA, strB, iB, options); } else if (!isDigitA && !isDigitB) { int jA = iA + 1; int jB = iB + 1; while (jA < strA.Length && !Char.IsDigit(strA[jA])) jA++; while (jB < strB.Length && !Char.IsDigit(strB[jB])) jB++; int cmpResult = cmp.Compare(strA, iA, jA - iA, strB, iB, jB - iB, options); if (cmpResult != 0) { // Certain strings may be considered different due to "soft" differences that are // ignored if more significant differences follow, e.g. a hyphen only affects the // comparison if no other differences follow string sectionA = strA.Substring(iA, jA - iA); string sectionB = strB.Substring(iB, jB - iB); if (cmp.Compare(sectionA + "1", sectionB + "2", options) == cmp.Compare(sectionA + "2", sectionB + "1", options)) { return cmp.Compare(strA, iA, strB, iB, options); } else if (softResultWeight < 1) { softResult = cmpResult; softResultWeight = 1; } } iA = jA; iB = jB; } else { char zeroA = (char)(strA[iA] - (int)Char.GetNumericValue(strA[iA])); char zeroB = (char)(strB[iB] - (int)Char.GetNumericValue(strB[iB])); int jA = iA; int jB = iB; while (jA < strA.Length && strA[jA] == zeroA) jA++; while (jB < strB.Length && strB[jB] == zeroB) jB++; int resultIfSameLength = 0; do { isDigitA = jA < strA.Length && Char.IsDigit(strA[jA]); isDigitB = jB < strB.Length && Char.IsDigit(strB[jB]); int numA = isDigitA ? (int)Char.GetNumericValue(strA[jA]) : 0; int numB = isDigitB ? (int)Char.GetNumericValue(strB[jB]) : 0; if (isDigitA && (char)(strA[jA] - numA) != zeroA) isDigitA = false; if (isDigitB && (char)(strB[jB] - numB) != zeroB) isDigitB = false; if (isDigitA && isDigitB) { if (numA != numB && resultIfSameLength == 0) { resultIfSameLength = numA < numB ? -1 : 1; } jA++; jB++; } } while (isDigitA && isDigitB); if (isDigitA != isDigitB) { // One number has more digits than the other (ignoring leading zeros) - the longer // number must be larger return isDigitA ? 1 : -1; } else if (resultIfSameLength != 0) { // Both numbers are the same length (ignoring leading zeros) and at least one of // the digits differed - the first difference determines the result return resultIfSameLength; } int lA = jA - iA; int lB = jB - iB; if (lA != lB) { // Both numbers are equivalent but one has more leading zeros return lA > lB ? -1 : 1; } else if (zeroA != zeroB && softResultWeight < 2) { softResult = cmp.Compare(strA, iA, 1, strB, iB, 1, options); softResultWeight = 2; } iA = jA; iB = jB; } } if (iA < strA.Length || iB < strB.Length) { return iA < strA.Length ? 1 : -1; } else if (softResult != 0) { return softResult; } return 0; }
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\"); Array.Sort(files, CompareNatural);
public class CustomComparer: IComparer { private Comparison _comparison; public CustomComparer(Comparison comparison) { _comparison = comparison; } public int Compare(T x, T y) { return _comparison(x, y); } }
string[] files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(@"C:\") .OrderBy(f => f, new CustomComparer(CompareNatural)) .ToArray();
Funcexpand = (s) => { int o; while ((o = s.IndexOf('\\')) != -1) { int p = o + 1; int z = 1; while (s[p] == '0') { z++; p++; } int c = Int32.Parse(s.Substring(p, z)); s = s.Substring(0, o) + new string(s[o - 1], c) + s.Substring(p + z); } return s; }; string encodedFileNames = "KDEqLW4xMiotbjEzKjAwMDFcMDY2KjAwMlwwMTcqMDA5XDAxNyowMlwwMTcqMDlcMDE3KjEhKjEtISox" + "LWEqMS4yNT8xLjI1KjEuNT8xLjUqMSoxXDAxNyoxXDAxOCoxXDAxOSoxXDA2NioxXDA2NyoxYSoyXDAx" + "NyoyXDAxOCo5XDAxNyo5XDAxOCo5XDA2Nio9MSphMDAxdGVzdDAxKmEwMDF0ZXN0aW5nYTBcMzEqYTAw" + "Mj9hMDAyIGE/YTAwMiBhKmEwMDIqYTAwMmE/YTAwMmEqYTAxdGVzdGluZ2EwMDEqYTAxdnNmcyphMSph" + "MWEqYTF6KmEyKmIwMDAzcTYqYjAwM3E0KmIwM3E1KmMtZSpjZCpjZipmIDEqZipnP2cgMT9oLW4qaG8t" + "bipJKmljZS1jcmVhbT9pY2VjcmVhbT9pY2VjcmVhbS0/ajBcNDE/ajAwMWE/ajAxP2shKmsnKmstKmsx" + "KmthKmxpc3QqbTAwMDNhMDA1YSptMDAzYTAwMDVhKm0wMDNhMDA1Km0wMDNhMDA1YSpuMTIqbjEzKm8t" + "bjAxMypvLW4xMipvLW40P28tbjQhP28tbjR6P28tbjlhLWI1Km8tbjlhYjUqb24wMTMqb24xMipvbjQ/" + "b240IT9vbjR6P29uOWEtYjUqb245YWI1Km/CrW4wMTMqb8KtbjEyKnAwMCpwMDEqcDAxwr0hKnAwMcK9" + "KnAwMcK9YSpwMDHCvcK+KnAwMipwMMK9KnEtbjAxMypxLW4xMipxbjAxMypxbjEyKnItMDAhKnItMDAh" + "NSpyLTAwIe+8lSpyLTAwYSpyLe+8kFwxIS01KnIt77yQXDEhLe+8lSpyLe+8kFwxISpyLe+8kFwxITUq" + "ci3vvJBcMSHvvJUqci3vvJBcMWEqci3vvJBcMyE1KnIwMCEqcjAwLTUqcjAwLjUqcjAwNSpyMDBhKnIw" + "NSpyMDYqcjQqcjUqctmg2aYqctmkKnLZpSpy27Dbtipy27Qqctu1KnLfgN+GKnLfhCpy34UqcuClpuCl" + "rCpy4KWqKnLgpasqcuCnpuCnrCpy4KeqKnLgp6sqcuCppuCprCpy4KmqKnLgqasqcuCrpuCrrCpy4Kuq" + "KnLgq6sqcuCtpuCtrCpy4K2qKnLgrasqcuCvpuCvrCpy4K+qKnLgr6sqcuCxpuCxrCpy4LGqKnLgsasq" + "cuCzpuCzrCpy4LOqKnLgs6sqcuC1puC1rCpy4LWqKnLgtasqcuC5kOC5lipy4LmUKnLguZUqcuC7kOC7" + "lipy4LuUKnLgu5UqcuC8oOC8pipy4LykKnLgvKUqcuGBgOGBhipy4YGEKnLhgYUqcuGCkOGClipy4YKU" + "KnLhgpUqcuGfoOGfpipy4Z+kKnLhn6UqcuGgkOGglipy4aCUKnLhoJUqcuGlhuGljCpy4aWKKnLhpYsq" + "cuGnkOGnlipy4aeUKnLhp5UqcuGtkOGtlipy4a2UKnLhrZUqcuGusOGutipy4a60KnLhrrUqcuGxgOGx" + "hipy4bGEKnLhsYUqcuGxkOGxlipy4bGUKnLhsZUqcuqYoFwx6pilKnLqmKDqmKUqcuqYoOqYpipy6pik" + "KnLqmKUqcuqjkOqjlipy6qOUKnLqo5UqcuqkgOqkhipy6qSEKnLqpIUqcuqpkOqplipy6qmUKnLqqZUq" + "cvCQkqAqcvCQkqUqcvCdn5gqcvCdn50qcu+8kFwxISpy77yQXDEt77yVKnLvvJBcMS7vvJUqcu+8kFwx" + "YSpy77yQXDHqmKUqcu+8kFwx77yO77yVKnLvvJBcMe+8lSpy77yQ77yVKnLvvJDvvJYqcu+8lCpy77yV" + "KnNpKnPEsSp0ZXN02aIqdGVzdNmi2aAqdGVzdNmjKnVBZS0qdWFlKnViZS0qdUJlKnVjZS0xw6kqdWNl" + "McOpLSp1Y2Uxw6kqdWPDqS0xZSp1Y8OpMWUtKnVjw6kxZSp3ZWlhMSp3ZWlhMip3ZWlzczEqd2Vpc3My" + "KndlaXoxKndlaXoyKndlacOfMSp3ZWnDnzIqeSBhMyp5IGE0KnknYTMqeSdhNCp5K2EzKnkrYTQqeS1h" + "Myp5LWE0KnlhMyp5YTQqej96IDA1MD96IDIxP3ohMjE/ejIwP3oyMj96YTIxP3rCqTIxP1sxKl8xKsKt" + "bjEyKsKtbjEzKsSwKg=="; string[] fileNames = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(encodedFileNames)) .Replace("*", ".txt?").Split(new[] { "?" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .Select(n => expand(n)).ToArray();
适用于linq orderby的纯C#解决方案:
public class NaturalSortComparer: IComparer , IDisposable { private bool isAscending; public NaturalSortComparer(bool inAscendingOrder = true) { this.isAscending = inAscendingOrder; } #region IComparer Members public int Compare(string x, string y) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } #endregion #region IComparer Members int IComparer .Compare(string x, string y) { if (x == y) return 0; string[] x1, y1; if (!table.TryGetValue(x, out x1)) { x1 = Regex.Split(x.Replace(" ", ""), "([0-9]+)"); table.Add(x, x1); } if (!table.TryGetValue(y, out y1)) { y1 = Regex.Split(y.Replace(" ", ""), "([0-9]+)"); table.Add(y, y1); } int returnVal; for (int i = 0; i < x1.Length && i < y1.Length; i++) { if (x1[i] != y1[i]) { returnVal = PartCompare(x1[i], y1[i]); return isAscending ? returnVal : -returnVal; } } if (y1.Length > x1.Length) { returnVal = 1; } else if (x1.Length > y1.Length) { returnVal = -1; } else { returnVal = 0; } return isAscending ? returnVal : -returnVal; } private static int PartCompare(string left, string right) { int x, y; if (!int.TryParse(left, out x)) return left.CompareTo(right); if (!int.TryParse(right, out y)) return left.CompareTo(right); return x.CompareTo(y); } #endregion private Dictionary table = new Dictionary (); public void Dispose() { table.Clear(); table = null; } }
void Main() { new[] {"a4","a3","a2","a10","b5","b4","b400","1","C1d","c1d2"}.OrderBy(x => x, new NaturalStringComparer()).Dump(); } public class NaturalStringComparer : IComparer{ private static readonly Regex _re = new Regex(@"(?<=\D)(?=\d)|(?<=\d)(?=\D)", RegexOptions.Compiled); public int Compare(string x, string y) { x = x.ToLower(); y = y.ToLower(); if(string.Compare(x, 0, y, 0, Math.Min(x.Length, y.Length)) == 0) { if(x.Length == y.Length) return 0; return x.Length < y.Length ? -1 : 1; } var a = _re.Split(x); var b = _re.Split(y); int i = 0; while(true) { int r = PartCompare(a[i], b[i]); if(r != 0) return r; ++i; } } private static int PartCompare(string x, string y) { int a, b; if(int.TryParse(x, out a) && int.TryParse(y, out b)) return a.CompareTo(b); return x.CompareTo(y); } }
1 a2 a3 a4 a10 b4 b5 b400 C1d c1d2
Matthews Horsley的答案是最快的方法,它不会改变行为,具体取决于您的程序运行的Windows版本.但是,通过创建一次正则表达式并使用RegexOptions.Compiled可以更快.我还添加了插入字符串比较器的选项,以便您可以根据需要忽略大小写,并提高可读性.
public static IEnumerableOrderByNatural (this IEnumerable items, Func selector, StringComparer stringComparer = null) { var regex = new Regex(@"\d+", RegexOptions.Compiled); int maxDigits = items .SelectMany(i => regex.Matches(selector(i)).Cast ().Select(digitChunk => (int?)digitChunk.Value.Length)) .Max() ?? 0; return items.OrderBy(i => regex.Replace(selector(i), match => match.Value.PadLeft(maxDigits, '0')), stringComparer ?? StringComparer.CurrentCulture); }
var sortedEmployees = employees.OrderByNatural(emp => emp.Name);
这需要450毫秒来排序100,000个字符串,而默认的.net字符串比较需要300毫秒 - 相当快!
你需要小心 - 我隐约回想起StrCmpLogicalW,或类似的东西,并不严格传递,我观察到.NET的排序方法有时会陷入无限循环,如果比较函数打破了这个规则.
public static IEnumerableAlphanumericSort(this IEnumerable me) { return me.OrderBy(x => Regex.Replace(x, @"\d+", m => m.Value.PadLeft(50, '0'))); }
Listtest = new List () { "The 1st", "The 12th", "The 2nd" }; test = test.AlphanumericSort();
Original | Regex Replace | The | Returned List | Apply PadLeft | Sorting | List | | | "The 1st" | "The 001st" | "The 001st" | "The 1st" "The 12th" | "The 012th" | "The 002nd" | "The 2nd" "The 2nd" | "The 002nd" | "The 012th" | "The 12th"
Alphabetical Sorting | Alphanumeric Sorting | "Page 21, Line 42" | "Page 3, Line 7" "Page 21, Line 5" | "Page 3, Line 32" "Page 3, Line 32" | "Page 21, Line 5" "Page 3, Line 7" | "Page 21, Line 42"
添加到Greg Beech的答案(因为我一直在寻找它),如果你想从Linq使用它,你可以使用OrderBy
var items = new List(); // fill items var sorted = items.OrderBy(item => item.Name, new NaturalStringComparer());