double doSomethingWithARow( double theRow[3] ); double doSomethingWithACol( double theCol[100] );
double matrix[100][3]; double result; // pass a single row to a function as an array // this essentially passes the 3-element array at row 48 to the function for( int i=0; i < 100; i++ ) { result = doSomethingWithARow( matrix[i] ); }
for( int j=0; j < 3; j++ ) { result = doSomethingWithACol( ??????????? ); }
double doSomethingWithACol(double *matrix, size_t colID, size_t rowSize, size_t nRows);
现在你可以利用矩阵[i] [j] =矩阵+ i*rowSize + j的事实;
double doSomethingWithACol(double *colPtr, size_t rowSize, size_t nRows);
示例代码:此代码对第二列中的元素求和(使用gcc -o main -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std = c99 test.c编译):
#include#include double colSum1(double *matrix, size_t colID, size_t rowSize, size_t nRows) { double *c = NULL, *end = matrix + colID + (nRows * rowSize); double sum = 0; for (c = matrix + colID; c < end; c += rowSize) { sum += *c; } return sum; } double colSum2(double *colPtr, size_t rowSize, size_t nRows) { double *end = colPtr + (nRows * rowSize); double sum = 0; for (; colPtr < end; colPtr += rowSize) { sum += *colPtr; } return sum; } int main(void) { double matrix[4][3] = { {0, 1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {6, 7, 8}, {9, 10, 11} }; printf("%f\n", colSum1(*matrix, 1, 3, 4)); printf("%f\n", colSum2(&matrix[0][1], 3, 4)); printf("%f\n", colSum2(matrix[0] + 1, 3, 4)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }