以下是我正在使用的组件 -
import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import List from './List.jsx'; import MapComponent from './Map.jsx'; import Header from './Header.jsx'; const appConstants = require('../constants/appConstants'); const host = 'http://localhost:8020'; const socket = io(host); let key = 0; class MainComponent extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { events: [] }; } componentWillMount() { socket.on('new event', (event) => this._handleStateChange(event)); } render() { return (); } _handleStateChange(event) { let newEvent = { browserName: event.new_val.browserName, location: event.new_val.location, osName: event.new_val.osName, key: key, eventName: event.new_val.event, interval: event.new_val.interval }; key++; this.state.events.unshift(newEvent); let events = this.state.events.slice(0, 10); this.setState({events}); } } ReactDOM.render( Tabs on Tabs
, document.getElementById('main'));
class MapComponent extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); }; componentDidMount() { /* On first load - center */ map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: 'map', style: mapConstants.style, center: mapConstants.hqCoordinates, zoom: 11 }); /* on initial load setup the location + icon */ map.on('load', function () { const el = document.createElement('img'); el.className = 'marker'; el.style.backgroundImage = 'url(./assets/images/banana.png)'; el.style.width = mapConstants.markerWidth; el.style.height = mapConstants.markerHeight; new mapboxgl.Marker(el) .setLngLat(mapConstants.hqCoordinates) .addTo(map); }); } /* called when the props are updated */ componentWillUpdate() { this._handleEventChange(this.props.events) } /* helper functions */ _handleEventChange(events) { /* get most recent event and fly there */ const mostRecentEvent = events[0]; /* map box coordinates: [lng, lat ] */ const mostRecentLocation = mostRecentEvent.location.split(',').reverse(); map.flyTo({ center: mostRecentLocation, zoom: 11 }); /* check if data source has been added */ const existingEvent = map.getSource('mostRecentEvent'); /* if data source exists, update the data */ if (existingEvent) { existingEvent.setData({ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": 'Point', "coordinates": mostRecentLocation }, "properties": { "title":helperService.getShortEventName(mostRecentEvent.eventName), "icon": mostRecentEvent.browserName.toLowerCase() } }) } else { /* otherwise this is the first event and we need to add a source & layer */ map.addSource('mostRecentEvent', { "type": "geojson", "data": { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": 'Point', "coordinates": mostRecentLocation }, "properties": { "title": helperService.getShortEventName(mostRecentEvent.eventName), "icon": mostRecentEvent.browserName.toLowerCase() } } }); map.addLayer({ "id": "mostRecentEvent", "type": "symbol", "source": "mostRecentEvent", "layout": { "icon-image": "{icon}", "text-field": "{title}", "text-font": ["Open Sans Semibold", "Arial Unicode MS Bold"], "text-offset": [0, 0.6], "text-anchor": "top", "text-allow-overlap": true, "text-size": 20 }, "paint": { "text-color": '#FF0080' } }); } } render() { return (); } } let styles = { map: { height: '500', width: '100%', zIndex: 0 } }; module.exports = MapComponent;{this.props.heading}