import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() ntp = 17 # number of peak periods nhs = 30 # number of wave heights scatter_table = np.random.randint(0,10,(nhs,ntp)) # wave scatter diagram tp = np.linspace(3,20,ntp+1) # peak period array hs = np.linspace(0,15,nhs+1) # significant wave height # axis limits to be in line with scatter diagram ax.set_xlim((min(tp),max(tp))) ax.set_ylim((min(hs),max(hs))) # axis ticks as per scatter table bins ax.set_xticks(tp) ax.set_yticks(hs) # matplotlib table the_table = plt.table(cellText=scatter_table,loc=(0,0),cellLoc='center') # change table properties to match plot window table_props = the_table.properties() table_cells = table_props['child_artists'] for cell in table_cells: cell.set_height(1/float(nhs)) cell.set_width(1/float(ntp)) # plot! ax.plot(tp,4+0.2*tp+np.sin(tp)*0.25*tp) plt.grid() plt.show()
for key, cell in tab.get_celld().items(): cell.set_linewidth(0)