维护查找表是不切实际的(因为大约有2 31.5个整数,其平方小于2 63).
public final static boolean isPerfectSquare(long n) { if (n < 0) return false; long tst = (long)(Math.sqrt(n) + 0.5); return tst*tst == n; }
注意:我在许多Project Euler问题中使用此函数.因此,没有其他人必须维护此代码.而这种微优化实际上可以产生影响,因为部分挑战是在不到一分钟的时间内完成每个算法,并且在某些问题中需要将此函数调用数百万次.
的快速逆平方根增快,但它给了不正确的结果对于n> = 410881.然而,所建议BobbyShaftoe,我们可以使用FISR劈对于n <410881.
我会说,而不是开关或声明if(lookup[(int)(n&0x3F)]) { test } else return false;
A. Rex.. 701
我发现一种方法比你的6bits + Carmack + sqrt代码快〜35%,至少用我的CPU(x86)和编程语言(C/C++).您的结果可能会有所不同,尤其是因为我不知道Java因素将如何发挥作用.
首先,筛选出明显的答案.这包括负数并查看最后4位.(我发现看到最后六个没有帮助.)我也回答是0.(在阅读下面的代码时,请注意我的输入是int64 x
if( x < 0 || (x&2) || ((x & 7) == 5) || ((x & 11) == 8) ) return false; if( x == 0 ) return true;
接下来,检查它是否是方模255 = 3*5*17.因为这是三个不同质数的乘积,所以只有大约1/8的mod 255残差是正方形.但是,根据我的经验,调用模运算符(%)的成本高于获得的效益,因此我使用涉及255 = 2 ^ 8-1的位技巧来计算残差.(无论好坏,我没有使用从单词中读取单个字节的技巧,只是按位 - 并且移位.)
int64 y = x; y = (y & 4294967295LL) + (y >> 32); y = (y & 65535) + (y >> 16); y = (y & 255) + ((y >> 8) & 255) + (y >> 16); // At this point, y is between 0 and 511. More code can reduce it farther.要实际检查残差是否为正方形,我在预先计算的表格中查找答案.
if( bad255[y] ) return false; // However, I just use a table of size 512
if((x & 4294967295LL) == 0) x >>= 32; if((x & 65535) == 0) x >>= 16; if((x & 255) == 0) x >>= 8; if((x & 15) == 0) x >>= 4; if((x & 3) == 0) x >>= 2;此时,对于我们的数字为正方形,它必须是1 mod 8.
if((x & 7) != 1) return false;Hensel引理的基本结构如下.(注意:未经测试的代码;如果不起作用,请尝试t = 2或8.)
int64 t = 4, r = 1; t <<= 1; r += ((x - r * r) & t) >> 1; t <<= 1; r += ((x - r * r) & t) >> 1; t <<= 1; r += ((x - r * r) & t) >> 1; // Repeat until t is 2^33 or so. Use a loop if you want.我们的想法是,在每次迭代中,将一位添加到r,即x的"当前"平方根; 每个平方根的精确模数为2的越来越大的幂,即t/2.最后,r和t/2-r将是x modulo t/2的平方根.(注意,如果r是x的平方根,那么-r也是如此.即使是模数也是如此,但要注意,以某些数为模,事物甚至可以有2个以上的平方根;值得注意的是,这包括2的幂. )因为我们的实际平方根小于2 ^ 32,所以我们实际上可以检查r或t/2-r是否是真正的平方根.在我的实际代码中,我使用以下修改循环:
int64 r, t, z; r = start[(x >> 3) & 1023]; do { z = x - r * r; if( z == 0 ) return true; if( z < 0 ) return false; t = z & (-z); r += (z & t) >> 1; if( r > (t >> 1) ) r = t - r; } while( t <= (1LL << 33) );这里的加速以三种方式获得:预先计算的起始值(相当于循环的~10次迭代),循环的早期退出以及跳过一些t值.对于最后一部分,我看一下
z = r - x * x
typedef signed long long int int64; int start[1024] = {1,3,1769,5,1937,1741,7,1451,479,157,9,91,945,659,1817,11, 1983,707,1321,1211,1071,13,1479,405,415,1501,1609,741,15,339,1703,203, 129,1411,873,1669,17,1715,1145,1835,351,1251,887,1573,975,19,1127,395, 1855,1981,425,453,1105,653,327,21,287,93,713,1691,1935,301,551,587, 257,1277,23,763,1903,1075,1799,1877,223,1437,1783,859,1201,621,25,779, 1727,573,471,1979,815,1293,825,363,159,1315,183,27,241,941,601,971, 385,131,919,901,273,435,647,1493,95,29,1417,805,719,1261,1177,1163, 1599,835,1367,315,1361,1933,1977,747,31,1373,1079,1637,1679,1581,1753,1355, 513,1539,1815,1531,1647,205,505,1109,33,1379,521,1627,1457,1901,1767,1547, 1471,1853,1833,1349,559,1523,967,1131,97,35,1975,795,497,1875,1191,1739, 641,1149,1385,133,529,845,1657,725,161,1309,375,37,463,1555,615,1931, 1343,445,937,1083,1617,883,185,1515,225,1443,1225,869,1423,1235,39,1973, 769,259,489,1797,1391,1485,1287,341,289,99,1271,1701,1713,915,537,1781, 1215,963,41,581,303,243,1337,1899,353,1245,329,1563,753,595,1113,1589, 897,1667,407,635,785,1971,135,43,417,1507,1929,731,207,275,1689,1397, 1087,1725,855,1851,1873,397,1607,1813,481,163,567,101,1167,45,1831,1205, 1025,1021,1303,1029,1135,1331,1017,427,545,1181,1033,933,1969,365,1255,1013, 959,317,1751,187,47,1037,455,1429,609,1571,1463,1765,1009,685,679,821, 1153,387,1897,1403,1041,691,1927,811,673,227,137,1499,49,1005,103,629, 831,1091,1449,1477,1967,1677,697,1045,737,1117,1737,667,911,1325,473,437, 1281,1795,1001,261,879,51,775,1195,801,1635,759,165,1871,1645,1049,245, 703,1597,553,955,209,1779,1849,661,865,291,841,997,1265,1965,1625,53, 1409,893,105,1925,1297,589,377,1579,929,1053,1655,1829,305,1811,1895,139, 575,189,343,709,1711,1139,1095,277,993,1699,55,1435,655,1491,1319,331, 1537,515,791,507,623,1229,1529,1963,1057,355,1545,603,1615,1171,743,523, 447,1219,1239,1723,465,499,57,107,1121,989,951,229,1521,851,167,715, 1665,1923,1687,1157,1553,1869,1415,1749,1185,1763,649,1061,561,531,409,907, 319,1469,1961,59,1455,141,1209,491,1249,419,1847,1893,399,211,985,1099, 1793,765,1513,1275,367,1587,263,1365,1313,925,247,1371,1359,109,1561,1291, 191,61,1065,1605,721,781,1735,875,1377,1827,1353,539,1777,429,1959,1483, 1921,643,617,389,1809,947,889,981,1441,483,1143,293,817,749,1383,1675, 63,1347,169,827,1199,1421,583,1259,1505,861,457,1125,143,1069,807,1867, 2047,2045,279,2043,111,307,2041,597,1569,1891,2039,1957,1103,1389,231,2037, 65,1341,727,837,977,2035,569,1643,1633,547,439,1307,2033,1709,345,1845, 1919,637,1175,379,2031,333,903,213,1697,797,1161,475,1073,2029,921,1653, 193,67,1623,1595,943,1395,1721,2027,1761,1955,1335,357,113,1747,1497,1461, 1791,771,2025,1285,145,973,249,171,1825,611,265,1189,847,1427,2023,1269, 321,1475,1577,69,1233,755,1223,1685,1889,733,1865,2021,1807,1107,1447,1077, 1663,1917,1129,1147,1775,1613,1401,555,1953,2019,631,1243,1329,787,871,885, 449,1213,681,1733,687,115,71,1301,2017,675,969,411,369,467,295,693, 1535,509,233,517,401,1843,1543,939,2015,669,1527,421,591,147,281,501, 577,195,215,699,1489,525,1081,917,1951,2013,73,1253,1551,173,857,309, 1407,899,663,1915,1519,1203,391,1323,1887,739,1673,2011,1585,493,1433,117, 705,1603,1111,965,431,1165,1863,533,1823,605,823,1179,625,813,2009,75, 1279,1789,1559,251,657,563,761,1707,1759,1949,777,347,335,1133,1511,267, 833,1085,2007,1467,1745,1805,711,149,1695,803,1719,485,1295,1453,935,459, 1151,381,1641,1413,1263,77,1913,2005,1631,541,119,1317,1841,1773,359,651, 961,323,1193,197,175,1651,441,235,1567,1885,1481,1947,881,2003,217,843, 1023,1027,745,1019,913,717,1031,1621,1503,867,1015,1115,79,1683,793,1035, 1089,1731,297,1861,2001,1011,1593,619,1439,477,585,283,1039,1363,1369,1227, 895,1661,151,645,1007,1357,121,1237,1375,1821,1911,549,1999,1043,1945,1419, 1217,957,599,571,81,371,1351,1003,1311,931,311,1381,1137,723,1575,1611, 767,253,1047,1787,1169,1997,1273,853,1247,413,1289,1883,177,403,999,1803, 1345,451,1495,1093,1839,269,199,1387,1183,1757,1207,1051,783,83,423,1995, 639,1155,1943,123,751,1459,1671,469,1119,995,393,219,1743,237,153,1909, 1473,1859,1705,1339,337,909,953,1771,1055,349,1993,613,1393,557,729,1717, 511,1533,1257,1541,1425,819,519,85,991,1693,503,1445,433,877,1305,1525, 1601,829,809,325,1583,1549,1991,1941,927,1059,1097,1819,527,1197,1881,1333, 383,125,361,891,495,179,633,299,863,285,1399,987,1487,1517,1639,1141, 1729,579,87,1989,593,1907,839,1557,799,1629,201,155,1649,1837,1063,949, 255,1283,535,773,1681,461,1785,683,735,1123,1801,677,689,1939,487,757, 1857,1987,983,443,1327,1267,313,1173,671,221,695,1509,271,1619,89,565, 127,1405,1431,1659,239,1101,1159,1067,607,1565,905,1755,1231,1299,665,373, 1985,701,1879,1221,849,627,1465,789,543,1187,1591,923,1905,979,1241,181}; bool bad255[512] = {0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1, 1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1, 0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1, 1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1, 1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1, 1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1, 1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1, 0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1, 1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1, 1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1, 1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 0,0}; inline bool square( int64 x ) { // Quickfail if( x < 0 || (x&2) || ((x & 7) == 5) || ((x & 11) == 8) ) return false; if( x == 0 ) return true; // Check mod 255 = 3 * 5 * 17, for fun int64 y = x; y = (y & 4294967295LL) + (y >> 32); y = (y & 65535) + (y >> 16); y = (y & 255) + ((y >> 8) & 255) + (y >> 16); if( bad255[y] ) return false; // Divide out powers of 4 using binary search if((x & 4294967295LL) == 0) x >>= 32; if((x & 65535) == 0) x >>= 16; if((x & 255) == 0) x >>= 8; if((x & 15) == 0) x >>= 4; if((x & 3) == 0) x >>= 2; if((x & 7) != 1) return false; // Compute sqrt using something like Hensel's lemma int64 r, t, z; r = start[(x >> 3) & 1023]; do { z = x - r * r; if( z == 0 ) return true; if( z < 0 ) return false; t = z & (-z); r += (z & t) >> 1; if( r > (t >> 1) ) r = t - r; } while( t <= (1LL << 33) ); return false; }
哇,这很美.我之前看到Hensel解除了(计算多项式模数为素数的根)但我甚至没有意识到引理可以一直小心地降低以计算数字的平方根; 这是......令人振奋:) (77认同)
Maartinus发布[快2倍的解决方案](http://stackoverflow.com/a/18686659/616460)(并且更短)下面,稍后,似乎没有得到太多的爱. (49认同)
哇!我将尝试将其转换为Java并进行比较,以及对结果进行准确性检查.我会让你知道我发现了什么. (5认同)
@nightcracker没有.`9 <0 => false`,`9&2 => 0`,`9&7 == 5 => false`,`9&11 == 8 => false`. (3认同)
通过滤除明显的正方形,似乎可以获得不同解决方案中的许多速度优势.有没有人通过Maartinus的解决方案对过滤掉的情况进行基准测试,然后只使用sqrt函数作为内置函数? (3认同)
maaartinus.. 352
我参加派对的时间已经很晚了,但我希望能提供更好的答案; 更短和(假设我的基准测试是正确的)也快得多.
long goodMask; // 0xC840C04048404040 computed below { for (int i=0; i<64; ++i) goodMask |= Long.MIN_VALUE >>> (i*i); } public boolean isSquare(long x) { // This tests if the 6 least significant bits are right. // Moving the to be tested bit to the highest position saves us masking. if (goodMask << x >= 0) return false; final int numberOfTrailingZeros = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(x); // Each square ends with an even number of zeros. if ((numberOfTrailingZeros & 1) != 0) return false; x >>= numberOfTrailingZeros; // Now x is either 0 or odd. // In binary each odd square ends with 001. // Postpone the sign test until now; handle zero in the branch. if ((x&7) != 1 | x <= 0) return x == 0; // Do it in the classical way. // The correctness is not trivial as the conversion from long to double is lossy! final long tst = (long) Math.sqrt(x); return tst * tst == x; }
我发现一种方法比你的6bits + Carmack + sqrt代码快〜35%,至少用我的CPU(x86)和编程语言(C/C++).您的结果可能会有所不同,尤其是因为我不知道Java因素将如何发挥作用.
首先,筛选出明显的答案.这包括负数并查看最后4位.(我发现看到最后六个没有帮助.)我也回答是0.(在阅读下面的代码时,请注意我的输入是int64 x
if( x < 0 || (x&2) || ((x & 7) == 5) || ((x & 11) == 8) ) return false; if( x == 0 ) return true;
接下来,检查它是否是方模255 = 3*5*17.因为这是三个不同质数的乘积,所以只有大约1/8的mod 255残差是正方形.但是,根据我的经验,调用模运算符(%)的成本高于获得的效益,因此我使用涉及255 = 2 ^ 8-1的位技巧来计算残差.(无论好坏,我没有使用从单词中读取单个字节的技巧,只是按位 - 并且移位.)
int64 y = x; y = (y & 4294967295LL) + (y >> 32); y = (y & 65535) + (y >> 16); y = (y & 255) + ((y >> 8) & 255) + (y >> 16); // At this point, y is between 0 and 511. More code can reduce it farther.要实际检查残差是否为正方形,我在预先计算的表格中查找答案.
if( bad255[y] ) return false; // However, I just use a table of size 512
if((x & 4294967295LL) == 0) x >>= 32; if((x & 65535) == 0) x >>= 16; if((x & 255) == 0) x >>= 8; if((x & 15) == 0) x >>= 4; if((x & 3) == 0) x >>= 2;此时,对于我们的数字为正方形,它必须是1 mod 8.
if((x & 7) != 1) return false;Hensel引理的基本结构如下.(注意:未经测试的代码;如果不起作用,请尝试t = 2或8.)
int64 t = 4, r = 1; t <<= 1; r += ((x - r * r) & t) >> 1; t <<= 1; r += ((x - r * r) & t) >> 1; t <<= 1; r += ((x - r * r) & t) >> 1; // Repeat until t is 2^33 or so. Use a loop if you want.我们的想法是,在每次迭代中,将一位添加到r,即x的"当前"平方根; 每个平方根的精确模数为2的越来越大的幂,即t/2.最后,r和t/2-r将是x modulo t/2的平方根.(注意,如果r是x的平方根,那么-r也是如此.即使是模数也是如此,但要注意,以某些数为模,事物甚至可以有2个以上的平方根;值得注意的是,这包括2的幂. )因为我们的实际平方根小于2 ^ 32,所以我们实际上可以检查r或t/2-r是否是真正的平方根.在我的实际代码中,我使用以下修改循环:
int64 r, t, z; r = start[(x >> 3) & 1023]; do { z = x - r * r; if( z == 0 ) return true; if( z < 0 ) return false; t = z & (-z); r += (z & t) >> 1; if( r > (t >> 1) ) r = t - r; } while( t <= (1LL << 33) );这里的加速以三种方式获得:预先计算的起始值(相当于循环的~10次迭代),循环的早期退出以及跳过一些t值.对于最后一部分,我看一下
z = r - x * x
typedef signed long long int int64; int start[1024] = {1,3,1769,5,1937,1741,7,1451,479,157,9,91,945,659,1817,11, 1983,707,1321,1211,1071,13,1479,405,415,1501,1609,741,15,339,1703,203, 129,1411,873,1669,17,1715,1145,1835,351,1251,887,1573,975,19,1127,395, 1855,1981,425,453,1105,653,327,21,287,93,713,1691,1935,301,551,587, 257,1277,23,763,1903,1075,1799,1877,223,1437,1783,859,1201,621,25,779, 1727,573,471,1979,815,1293,825,363,159,1315,183,27,241,941,601,971, 385,131,919,901,273,435,647,1493,95,29,1417,805,719,1261,1177,1163, 1599,835,1367,315,1361,1933,1977,747,31,1373,1079,1637,1679,1581,1753,1355, 513,1539,1815,1531,1647,205,505,1109,33,1379,521,1627,1457,1901,1767,1547, 1471,1853,1833,1349,559,1523,967,1131,97,35,1975,795,497,1875,1191,1739, 641,1149,1385,133,529,845,1657,725,161,1309,375,37,463,1555,615,1931, 1343,445,937,1083,1617,883,185,1515,225,1443,1225,869,1423,1235,39,1973, 769,259,489,1797,1391,1485,1287,341,289,99,1271,1701,1713,915,537,1781, 1215,963,41,581,303,243,1337,1899,353,1245,329,1563,753,595,1113,1589, 897,1667,407,635,785,1971,135,43,417,1507,1929,731,207,275,1689,1397, 1087,1725,855,1851,1873,397,1607,1813,481,163,567,101,1167,45,1831,1205, 1025,1021,1303,1029,1135,1331,1017,427,545,1181,1033,933,1969,365,1255,1013, 959,317,1751,187,47,1037,455,1429,609,1571,1463,1765,1009,685,679,821, 1153,387,1897,1403,1041,691,1927,811,673,227,137,1499,49,1005,103,629, 831,1091,1449,1477,1967,1677,697,1045,737,1117,1737,667,911,1325,473,437, 1281,1795,1001,261,879,51,775,1195,801,1635,759,165,1871,1645,1049,245, 703,1597,553,955,209,1779,1849,661,865,291,841,997,1265,1965,1625,53, 1409,893,105,1925,1297,589,377,1579,929,1053,1655,1829,305,1811,1895,139, 575,189,343,709,1711,1139,1095,277,993,1699,55,1435,655,1491,1319,331, 1537,515,791,507,623,1229,1529,1963,1057,355,1545,603,1615,1171,743,523, 447,1219,1239,1723,465,499,57,107,1121,989,951,229,1521,851,167,715, 1665,1923,1687,1157,1553,1869,1415,1749,1185,1763,649,1061,561,531,409,907, 319,1469,1961,59,1455,141,1209,491,1249,419,1847,1893,399,211,985,1099, 1793,765,1513,1275,367,1587,263,1365,1313,925,247,1371,1359,109,1561,1291, 191,61,1065,1605,721,781,1735,875,1377,1827,1353,539,1777,429,1959,1483, 1921,643,617,389,1809,947,889,981,1441,483,1143,293,817,749,1383,1675, 63,1347,169,827,1199,1421,583,1259,1505,861,457,1125,143,1069,807,1867, 2047,2045,279,2043,111,307,2041,597,1569,1891,2039,1957,1103,1389,231,2037, 65,1341,727,837,977,2035,569,1643,1633,547,439,1307,2033,1709,345,1845, 1919,637,1175,379,2031,333,903,213,1697,797,1161,475,1073,2029,921,1653, 193,67,1623,1595,943,1395,1721,2027,1761,1955,1335,357,113,1747,1497,1461, 1791,771,2025,1285,145,973,249,171,1825,611,265,1189,847,1427,2023,1269, 321,1475,1577,69,1233,755,1223,1685,1889,733,1865,2021,1807,1107,1447,1077, 1663,1917,1129,1147,1775,1613,1401,555,1953,2019,631,1243,1329,787,871,885, 449,1213,681,1733,687,115,71,1301,2017,675,969,411,369,467,295,693, 1535,509,233,517,401,1843,1543,939,2015,669,1527,421,591,147,281,501, 577,195,215,699,1489,525,1081,917,1951,2013,73,1253,1551,173,857,309, 1407,899,663,1915,1519,1203,391,1323,1887,739,1673,2011,1585,493,1433,117, 705,1603,1111,965,431,1165,1863,533,1823,605,823,1179,625,813,2009,75, 1279,1789,1559,251,657,563,761,1707,1759,1949,777,347,335,1133,1511,267, 833,1085,2007,1467,1745,1805,711,149,1695,803,1719,485,1295,1453,935,459, 1151,381,1641,1413,1263,77,1913,2005,1631,541,119,1317,1841,1773,359,651, 961,323,1193,197,175,1651,441,235,1567,1885,1481,1947,881,2003,217,843, 1023,1027,745,1019,913,717,1031,1621,1503,867,1015,1115,79,1683,793,1035, 1089,1731,297,1861,2001,1011,1593,619,1439,477,585,283,1039,1363,1369,1227, 895,1661,151,645,1007,1357,121,1237,1375,1821,1911,549,1999,1043,1945,1419, 1217,957,599,571,81,371,1351,1003,1311,931,311,1381,1137,723,1575,1611, 767,253,1047,1787,1169,1997,1273,853,1247,413,1289,1883,177,403,999,1803, 1345,451,1495,1093,1839,269,199,1387,1183,1757,1207,1051,783,83,423,1995, 639,1155,1943,123,751,1459,1671,469,1119,995,393,219,1743,237,153,1909, 1473,1859,1705,1339,337,909,953,1771,1055,349,1993,613,1393,557,729,1717, 511,1533,1257,1541,1425,819,519,85,991,1693,503,1445,433,877,1305,1525, 1601,829,809,325,1583,1549,1991,1941,927,1059,1097,1819,527,1197,1881,1333, 383,125,361,891,495,179,633,299,863,285,1399,987,1487,1517,1639,1141, 1729,579,87,1989,593,1907,839,1557,799,1629,201,155,1649,1837,1063,949, 255,1283,535,773,1681,461,1785,683,735,1123,1801,677,689,1939,487,757, 1857,1987,983,443,1327,1267,313,1173,671,221,695,1509,271,1619,89,565, 127,1405,1431,1659,239,1101,1159,1067,607,1565,905,1755,1231,1299,665,373, 1985,701,1879,1221,849,627,1465,789,543,1187,1591,923,1905,979,1241,181}; bool bad255[512] = {0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1, 1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1, 0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1, 1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1, 1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1, 1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1, 1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1, 0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1, 1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1, 1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1, 1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 0,0}; inline bool square( int64 x ) { // Quickfail if( x < 0 || (x&2) || ((x & 7) == 5) || ((x & 11) == 8) ) return false; if( x == 0 ) return true; // Check mod 255 = 3 * 5 * 17, for fun int64 y = x; y = (y & 4294967295LL) + (y >> 32); y = (y & 65535) + (y >> 16); y = (y & 255) + ((y >> 8) & 255) + (y >> 16); if( bad255[y] ) return false; // Divide out powers of 4 using binary search if((x & 4294967295LL) == 0) x >>= 32; if((x & 65535) == 0) x >>= 16; if((x & 255) == 0) x >>= 8; if((x & 15) == 0) x >>= 4; if((x & 3) == 0) x >>= 2; if((x & 7) != 1) return false; // Compute sqrt using something like Hensel's lemma int64 r, t, z; r = start[(x >> 3) & 1023]; do { z = x - r * r; if( z == 0 ) return true; if( z < 0 ) return false; t = z & (-z); r += (z & t) >> 1; if( r > (t >> 1) ) r = t - r; } while( t <= (1LL << 33) ); return false; }
我参加派对的时间已经很晚了,但我希望能提供更好的答案; 更短和(假设我的基准测试是正确的)也快得多.
long goodMask; // 0xC840C04048404040 computed below { for (int i=0; i<64; ++i) goodMask |= Long.MIN_VALUE >>> (i*i); } public boolean isSquare(long x) { // This tests if the 6 least significant bits are right. // Moving the to be tested bit to the highest position saves us masking. if (goodMask << x >= 0) return false; final int numberOfTrailingZeros = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(x); // Each square ends with an even number of zeros. if ((numberOfTrailingZeros & 1) != 0) return false; x >>= numberOfTrailingZeros; // Now x is either 0 or odd. // In binary each odd square ends with 001. // Postpone the sign test until now; handle zero in the branch. if ((x&7) != 1 | x <= 0) return x == 0; // Do it in the classical way. // The correctness is not trivial as the conversion from long to double is lossy! final long tst = (long) Math.sqrt(x); return tst * tst == x; }
public final static boolean isPerfectSquare(long n) { if (n < 0) return false; switch((int)(n & 0xF)) { case 0: case 1: case 4: case 9: long tst = (long)Math.sqrt(n); return tst*tst == n; default: return false; } }
int isPerfectSquare(int n) { int h = n & 0xF; // h is the last hex "digit" if (h > 9) return 0; // Use lazy evaluation to jump out of the if statement as soon as possible if (h != 2 && h != 3 && h != 5 && h != 6 && h != 7 && h != 8) { int t = (int) floor( sqrt((double) n) + 0.5 ); return t*t == n; } return 0; }
float Q_rsqrt( float number ) { long i; float x2, y; const float threehalfs = 1.5F; x2 = number * 0.5F; y = number; i = * ( long * ) &y; // evil floating point bit level hacking i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // wtf? y = * ( float * ) &i; y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 1st iteration // y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 2nd iteration, this can be removed #ifndef Q3_VM #ifdef __linux__ assert( !isnan(y) ); // bk010122 - FPE? #endif #endif return y; }
的* (long*) &y
该0x5f3759df - (i >> 1);
该* (float*) &i
该y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) )
这应该更快,因为它减少了在朴素平方根中进行的除法运算的数量,直到简单除以2(实际上是* 0.5F
我不确定它是否会更快,甚至更准确,但你可以使用John Carmack的魔法平方根算法来更快地求解平方根.您可以轻松地测试所有可能的32位整数,并验证您实际上得到了正确的结果,因为它只是一个适应性.然而,现在我考虑一下,使用双打也是近似的,所以我不确定它会如何发挥作用.
(n+1)^2 = n^2 + 2n + 1 (n-1)^2 = n^2 - 2n + 1
n^2 = target
n^2 + 2n + 1 > target > n^2
n^2 - 2n + 1 < target < n^2
target < n^2 - 2n + 1
:二进制剁低 n
target > n^2 + 2n + 1
:二进制剁更高 n
编辑:二进制印章也不必考虑整个整数范围(2^x)^2 = 2^(2x)
// This is faster because a number is divisible by 2^4 or more only 6% of the time // and more than that a vanishingly small percentage. while((x & 0x3) == 0) x >>= 2; // This is effectively the same as the switch-case statement used in the original // answer. if((x & 0x7) != 1) return false;
互联网 - 基普发布的答案
Durron - 我使用一遍答案作为基础的修改后的答案
DurronTwo - 我使用双遍答案(@JohnnyHeggheim)修改了答案,还有其他一些细微的修改.
如果使用生成数字,这是一个示例运行时 Math.abs(java.util.Random.nextLong())
0% Scenario{vm=java, trial=0, benchmark=Internet} 39673.40 ns; ?=378.78 ns @ 3 trials 33% Scenario{vm=java, trial=0, benchmark=Durron} 37785.75 ns; ?=478.86 ns @ 10 trials 67% Scenario{vm=java, trial=0, benchmark=DurronTwo} 35978.10 ns; ?=734.10 ns @ 10 trials benchmark us linear runtime Internet 39.7 ============================== Durron 37.8 ============================ DurronTwo 36.0 =========================== vm: java trial: 0
0% Scenario{vm=java, trial=0, benchmark=Internet} 2933380.84 ns; ?=56939.84 ns @ 10 trials 33% Scenario{vm=java, trial=0, benchmark=Durron} 2243266.81 ns; ?=50537.62 ns @ 10 trials 67% Scenario{vm=java, trial=0, benchmark=DurronTwo} 3159227.68 ns; ?=10766.22 ns @ 3 trials benchmark ms linear runtime Internet 2.93 =========================== Durron 2.24 ===================== DurronTwo 3.16 ============================== vm: java trial: 0
public final static boolean isPerfectSquareDurron(long n) { if(n < 0) return false; if(n == 0) return true; long x = n; // This is faster because a number is divisible by 16 only 6% of the time // and more than that a vanishingly small percentage. while((x & 0x3) == 0) x >>= 2; // This is effectively the same as the switch-case statement used in the original // answer. if((x & 0x7) == 1) { long sqrt; if(x < 410881L) { int i; float x2, y; x2 = x * 0.5F; y = x; i = Float.floatToRawIntBits(y); i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); y = Float.intBitsToFloat(i); y = y * ( 1.5F - ( x2 * y * y ) ); sqrt = (long)(1.0F/y); } else { sqrt = (long) Math.sqrt(x); } return sqrt*sqrt == x; } return false; }
和 DurronTwo
public final static boolean isPerfectSquareDurronTwo(long n) { if(n < 0) return false; // Needed to prevent infinite loop if(n == 0) return true; long x = n; while((x & 0x3) == 0) x >>= 2; if((x & 0x7) == 1) { long sqrt; if (x < 41529141369L) { int i; float x2, y; x2 = x * 0.5F; y = x; i = Float.floatToRawIntBits(y); //using the magic number from //http://www.lomont.org/Math/Papers/2003/InvSqrt.pdf //since it more accurate i = 0x5f375a86 - (i >> 1); y = Float.intBitsToFloat(i); y = y * (1.5F - (x2 * y * y)); y = y * (1.5F - (x2 * y * y)); //Newton iteration, more accurate sqrt = (long) ((1.0F/y) + 0.2); } else { //Carmack hack gives incorrect answer for n >= 41529141369. sqrt = (long) Math.sqrt(x); } return sqrt*sqrt == x; } return false; }
public class SquareRootBenchmark { public static class Benchmark1 extends SimpleBenchmark { private static final int ARRAY_SIZE = 10000; long[] trials = new long[ARRAY_SIZE]; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { Random r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) { trials[i] = Math.abs(r.nextLong()); } } public int timeInternet(int reps) { int trues = 0; for(int i = 0; i < reps; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE; j++) { if(SquareRootAlgs.isPerfectSquareInternet(trials[j])) trues++; } } return trues; } public int timeDurron(int reps) { int trues = 0; for(int i = 0; i < reps; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE; j++) { if(SquareRootAlgs.isPerfectSquareDurron(trials[j])) trues++; } } return trues; } public int timeDurronTwo(int reps) { int trues = 0; for(int i = 0; i < reps; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE; j++) { if(SquareRootAlgs.isPerfectSquareDurronTwo(trials[j])) trues++; } } return trues; } } public static void main(String... args) { Runner.main(Benchmark1.class, args); } }
更新:我已经制作了一个新算法,在某些情况下更快,在其他情况下更慢,我根据不同的输入得到了不同的基准.如果我们计算模数0xFFFFFF = 3 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 13 x 17 x 241
if (!goodLookupSquares[(int) ((n & 0xFFFFFFl) + ((n >> 24) & 0xFFFFFFl) + (n >> 48))]) return false;
得到的指数是1)残基,2)残基+ 0xFFFFFF
,或3)残基+ 0x1FFFFFE
残差的查找表,它大约是一个3mb文件(在这种情况下存储为ascii文本十进制数字,不是最佳的,但可以用a ByteBuffer
public final static boolean isPerfectSquareDurronThree(long n) { if(n < 0) return false; if(n == 0) return true; long x = n; while((x & 0x3) == 0) x >>= 2; if((x & 0x7) == 1) { if (!goodLookupSquares[(int) ((n & 0xFFFFFFl) + ((n >> 24) & 0xFFFFFFl) + (n >> 48))]) return false; long sqrt; if(x < 410881L) { int i; float x2, y; x2 = x * 0.5F; y = x; i = Float.floatToRawIntBits(y); i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); y = Float.intBitsToFloat(i); y = y * ( 1.5F - ( x2 * y * y ) ); sqrt = (long)(1.0F/y); } else { sqrt = (long) Math.sqrt(x); } return sqrt*sqrt == x; } return false; }
private static boolean[] goodLookupSquares = null; public static void initGoodLookupSquares() throws Exception { Scanner s = new Scanner(new File("24residues_squares.txt")); goodLookupSquares = new boolean[0x1FFFFFE]; while(s.hasNextLine()) { int residue = Integer.valueOf(s.nextLine()); goodLookupSquares[residue] = true; goodLookupSquares[residue + 0xFFFFFF] = true; goodLookupSquares[residue + 0x1FFFFFE] = true; } s.close(); }
0% Scenario{vm=java, trial=0, benchmark=Internet} 40665.77 ns; ?=566.71 ns @ 10 trials 33% Scenario{vm=java, trial=0, benchmark=Durron} 38397.60 ns; ?=784.30 ns @ 10 trials 67% Scenario{vm=java, trial=0, benchmark=DurronThree} 36171.46 ns; ?=693.02 ns @ 10 trials benchmark us linear runtime Internet 40.7 ============================== Durron 38.4 ============================ DurronThree 36.2 ========================== vm: java trial: 0
您可以尝试的另一个优化:如果数字的数字根不是以1,4,7 或9结尾,则该数字不是完美的正方形.在应用较慢的平方根算法之前,这可以用作消除60%输入的快速方法.
使用双精度作为输入参数,因此对于大于2 ^ 53的整数,您将无法获得准确的结果.
首先建立一个低于2 ^ 32的素数平方表.这远远小于达到此限制的所有整数的表.
boolean isPerfectSquare(long number) { if (number < 0) return false; if (number < 2) return true; for (int i = 0; ; i++) { long square = squareTable[i]; if (square > number) return false; while (number % square == 0) { number /= square; } if (number == 1) return true; } }
鉴于目前在硬件中完成的sqrt以及在这里计算素数的需要,我想这个解决方案要慢一些.但是它应该比使用sqrt的解决方案提供更好的结果,这不会超过2 ^ 54,正如mrzl在他的回答中所说的那样.
对(非负)整数进行二进制搜索以找到最大整数t t**2 <= n
.然后测试是否r**2 = n
完全.这需要时间O(log n).
如果您不知道如何二进制搜索正整数,因为该集合是无界的,这很容易.你首先计算你的增加函数f(上面f(t) = t**2 - n
n % pow(b, d)
,即.n % m
long goodMask; // 0xC840C04048404040 computed below { for (int i=0; i<64; ++i) goodMask |= Long.MIN_VALUE >>> (i*i); } public boolean isSquare(long x) { // This tests if the 6 least significant bits are right. // Moving the to be tested bit to the highest position saves us masking. if (goodMask << x >= 0) return false; // Remove an even number of trailing zeros, leaving at most one. x >>= (Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(x) & (-2); // Repeat the test on the 6 least significant remaining bits. if (goodMask << x >= 0 | x <= 0) return x == 0; // Do it in the classical way. // The correctness is not trivial as the conversion from long to double is lossy! final long tst = (long) Math.sqrt(x); return tst * tst == x; }
if (goodMask << x >= 0) return false;
public class SquareTester { public static boolean isPerfectSquare(long n) { if (n < 0) { return false; } else { switch ((byte) n) { case -128: case -127: case -124: case -119: case -112: case -111: case -103: case -95: case -92: case -87: case -79: case -71: case -64: case -63: case -60: case -55: case -47: case -39: case -31: case -28: case -23: case -15: case -7: case 0: case 1: case 4: case 9: case 16: case 17: case 25: case 33: case 36: case 41: case 49: case 57: case 64: case 65: case 68: case 73: case 81: case 89: case 97: case 100: case 105: case 113: case 121: long i = (n * INV3465) >>> 52; if (! good3465[(int) i]) { return false; } else { long r = round(Math.sqrt(n)); return r*r == n; } default: return false; } } } private static int round(double x) { return (int) Double.doubleToRawLongBits(x + (double) (1L << 52)); } /** 3465-1 modulo 264 */ private static final long INV3465 = 0x8ffed161732e78b9L; private static final boolean[] good3465 = new boolean[0x1000]; static { for (int r = 0; r < 3465; ++ r) { int i = (int) ((r * r * INV3465) >>> 52); good3465[i] = good3465[i+1] = true; } } }
第二编辑 下面m的神奇表达应该是
m = N - (N & (N-1));
m = N & (N-1); // the lawest bit of N N /= m; byte = N & 0x0F; if ((m % 2) || (byte !=1 && byte !=9)) return false;
m = N & (N-1); // the lawest bit of N N /= m; if ((m % 2) || (N & 0x07 != 1)) return false;
标签中提到了Euler项目,其中的许多问题都需要检查数字>> 2 ^ 64.使用80字节缓冲区时,上面提到的大多数优化都不起作用.
我使用了java BigInteger和一个稍微修改过的牛顿方法,一个对整数有效的方法.问题是精确的正方形n ^ 2收敛到(n-1)而不是n,因为n ^ 2-1 =(n-1)(n + 1),最后的误差只比最终除数和步数低一步算法终止.在计算错误之前,通过在原始参数中添加一个来轻松修复.(为立方根添加两个,等等)
这个算法的一个很好的属性是你可以立即判断数字是否是一个完美的正方形 - 牛顿方法中的最终误差(不是校正)将为零.通过简单的修改,您还可以快速计算楼层(sqrt(x))而不是最接近的整数.这对于几个欧拉问题很方便.
def isexactsqrt(v) value = v.abs residue = value root = 0 onebit = 1 onebit <<= 8 while (onebit < residue) onebit >>= 2 while (onebit > residue) while (onebit > 0) x = root + onebit if (residue >= x) then residue -= x root = x + onebit end root >>= 1 onebit >>= 2 end return (residue == 0) end
这是类似的一些测试(请不要因为编码风格/气味或笨重的O/O而投票给我 - 这是重要的算法,而C++不是我的母语).在这种情况下,我们正在寻找残留== 0:
#includeusing namespace std; typedef unsigned long long int llint; class ISqrt { // Integer Square Root llint value; // Integer whose square root is required llint root; // Result: floor(sqrt(value)) llint residue; // Result: value-root*root llint onebit, x; // Working bit, working value public: ISqrt(llint v = 2) { // Constructor Root(v); // Take the root }; llint Root(llint r) { // Resets and calculates new square root value = r; // Store input residue = value; // Initialise for subtracting down root = 0; // Clear root accumulator onebit = 1; // Calculate start value of counter onebit <<= (8*sizeof(llint)-2); // Set up counter bit as greatest odd power of 2 while (onebit > residue) {onebit >>= 2; }; // Shift down until just < value while (onebit > 0) { x = root ^ onebit; // Will check root+1bit (root bit corresponding to onebit is always zero) if (residue >= x) { // Room to subtract? residue -= x; // Yes - deduct from residue root = x + onebit; // and step root }; root >>= 1; onebit >>= 2; }; return root; }; llint Residue() { // Returns residue from last calculation return residue; }; }; int main() { llint big, i, q, r, v, delta; big = 0; big = (big-1); // Kludge for "big number" ISqrt b; // Make q sqrt generator for ( i = big; i > 0 ; i /= 7 ) { // for several numbers q = b.Root(i); // Get the square root r = b.Residue(); // Get the residue v = q*q+r; // Recalc original value delta = v-i; // And diff, hopefully 0 cout << i << ": " << q << " ++ " << r << " V: " << v << " Delta: " << delta << "\n"; }; return 0; };
在C++中,我怀疑所有复杂的替代方案都会失去速度,但我还没有检查过它们.我做了什么,以及Java人员会发现什么有用,是一个简单的黑客攻击,是A. Rex建议的特殊案例测试的扩展.使用单个long值作为位数组,但不检查边界.这样,你有64位布尔查找.
typedef unsigned long long UVLONG UVLONG pp1,pp2; void init2() { for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) if (isPerfectSquare(i * 64 + j)) { pp1 |= (1 << j); pp2 |= (1 << i); break; } } cout << "pp1=" << pp1 << "," << pp2 << "\n"; } inline bool isPerfectSquare5(UVLONG x) { return pp1 & (1 << (x & 0x3F)) ? isPerfectSquare(x) : false; }
例程isPerfectSquare5在我的core2 duo机器上运行大约1/3.我怀疑沿着相同的线路进一步调整可以平均缩短时间,但每次检查时,你都会进行更多的测试以获得更多的消除,所以你不能在这条路上走得更远.
调用init2例程一次以初始化pp1和pp2的静态值.请注意,在我的C++实现中,我使用的是unsigned long long,所以既然你已经签名了,你就必须使用>>>运算符.
if(n < 410881L){...}
if (n < 11043908100L) { //John Carmack hack, converted to Java. // See: http://www.codemaestro.com/reviews/9 int i; float x2, y; x2 = n * 0.5F; y = n; i = Float.floatToRawIntBits(y); //using the magic number from //http://www.lomont.org/Math/Papers/2003/InvSqrt.pdf //since it more accurate i = 0x5f375a86 - (i >> 1); y = Float.intBitsToFloat(i); y = y * (1.5F - (x2 * y * y)); y = y * (1.5F - (x2 * y * y)); //Newton iteration, more accurate sqrt = Math.round(1.0F / y); } else { //Carmack hack gives incorrect answer for n >= 11043908100. sqrt = (long) Math.sqrt(n); }
int main() { unsigned int c1=0 ,c2 = 0; unsigned int x = 0; unsigned int p = 0; int k1 = 0; scanf("%d",&p); if(p % 2 == 0) { x = p/2; } else { x = (p/2) +1; } while(x) { if((x*x) > p) { c1 = x; x = x/2; }else { c2 = x; break; } } if((p%2) != 0) c2++; while(c2 < c1) { if((c2 * c2 ) == p) { k1 = 1; break; } c2++; } if(k1) printf("\n Perfect square for %d", c2); else printf("\n Not perfect but nearest to :%d :", c2); return 0; }
public static boolean isSquare(final long val) { if ((val & 2) == 2 || (val & 7) == 5) { return false; } if ((val & 11) == 8 || (val & 31) == 20) { return false; } if ((val & 47) == 32 || (val & 127) == 80) { return false; } if ((val & 191) == 128 || (val & 511) == 320) { return false; } // if((val & a == b) || (val & c == d){ // return false; // } if (!modSq[(int) (val % modSq.length)]) { return false; } final long root = (long) Math.sqrt(val); return root * root == val; }
伪代码的最后一位可用于扩展测试以消除更多值.上述测试适用于k = 0,1,2,3
a的形式为(3 << 2k) - 1
b的形式(2 << 2k)
c的形式为(2 << 2k + 2) - 1
d的形式为(2 << 2k - 1)*10