var myButtonHandler = function(button, event){ //code goes here };
var myButton = new Ext.Button({ id : 'myButton', renderTo : 'mybutton', text : 'Save', handler : myButtonHandler, scope : this });
我实际上会使用Exts createDelegate原型.
var appendBooleanOrInsertionIndex = 0; // Inserts the variables into the front of the function. appendBooleanOrInsertionIndex = true; // Appends the variables to the end of the arguments var myButton = new Ext.Button({ id : 'myButton', renderTo : 'mybutton', text : 'Save', handler : myButtonHandler.createDelegate(this, [param1, param2], appendBooleanOrInsertionIndex), scope : this });
在Ext JS 4中:
Ext.bind(myButtonHandler, this, [params array], true);
你可以像布拉德利建议的那样使用一个好的解决方案.这是一个例子.其中repeatsStore - 它是我想要传递给按钮处理程序的附加参数.
Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', { name: 'panelBtn', layout: 'hbox', border: 0, items:[ {xtype: 'button', text: 'Add', name:'addBtn', handler : Ext.bind(this.addBtnHandler, this, repeatsStore, true) } ] });
你的处理程序应该有三个参数 - 前两个是标准的,最后一个是你的.
addBtnHandler:function(button, event, repeatsStore) { }