在通过父控件创建循环中的dup组件之后,您可以从 " 在运行时替换可视组件 " 的答案中使用CLoneProperties例程.
uses TypInfo; procedure CloneProperties(const Source: TControl; const Dest: TControl); var ms: TMemoryStream; OldName: string; begin OldName := Source.Name; Source.Name := ''; // needed to avoid Name collision try ms := TMemoryStream.Create; try ms.WriteComponent(Source); ms.Position := 0; ms.ReadComponent(Dest); finally ms.Free; end; finally Source.Name := OldName; end; end; procedure CloneEvents(Source, Dest: TControl); var I: Integer; PropList: TPropList; begin for I := 0 to GetPropList(Source.ClassInfo, [tkMethod], @PropList) - 1 do SetMethodProp(Dest, PropList[I], GetMethodProp(Source, PropList[I])); end; procedure DuplicateChildren(const ParentSource: TWinControl; const WithEvents: Boolean = True); var I: Integer; CurrentControl, ClonedControl: TControl; begin for I := ParentSource.ControlCount - 1 downto 0 do begin CurrentControl := ParentSource.Controls[I]; ClonedControl := TControlClass(CurrentControl.ClassType).Create(CurrentControl.Owner); ClonedControl.Parent := ParentSource; CloneProperties(CurrentControl, ClonedControl); ClonedControl.Name := CurrentControl.Name + '_'; if WithEvents then CloneEvents(CurrentControl, ClonedControl); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin DuplicateChildren(Panel1); end;
Delphi中的运行时类型信息 - 它可以为您做任何事情吗?
注意" 将组件复制到另一个组件 "一节
它有一个单元,带有一个过程的RTTIUnit,它似乎可以做你想要的一部分,但我认为它不会复制任何子组件而没有额外的代码. (我认为可以将它贴在这里......)
procedure CopyObject(ObjFrom, ObjTo: TObject); var PropInfos: PPropList; PropInfo: PPropInfo; Count, Loop: Integer; OrdVal: Longint; StrVal: String; FloatVal: Extended; MethodVal: TMethod; begin //{ Iterate thru all published fields and properties of source } //{ copying them to target } //{ Find out how many properties we'll be considering } Count := GetPropList(ObjFrom.ClassInfo, tkAny, nil); //{ Allocate memory to hold their RTTI data } GetMem(PropInfos, Count * SizeOf(PPropInfo)); try //{ Get hold of the property list in our new buffer } GetPropList(ObjFrom.ClassInfo, tkAny, PropInfos); //{ Loop through all the selected properties } for Loop := 0 to Count - 1 do begin PropInfo := GetPropInfo(ObjTo.ClassInfo, PropInfos^[Loop]^.Name); // { Check the general type of the property } //{ and read/write it in an appropriate way } case PropInfos^[Loop]^.PropType^.Kind of tkInteger, tkChar, tkEnumeration, tkSet, tkClass{$ifdef Win32}, tkWChar{$endif}: begin OrdVal := GetOrdProp(ObjFrom, PropInfos^[Loop]); if Assigned(PropInfo) then SetOrdProp(ObjTo, PropInfo, OrdVal); end; tkFloat: begin FloatVal := GetFloatProp(ObjFrom, PropInfos^[Loop]); if Assigned(PropInfo) then SetFloatProp(ObjTo, PropInfo, FloatVal); end; {$ifndef DelphiLessThan3} tkWString, {$endif} {$ifdef Win32} tkLString, {$endif} tkString: begin { Avoid copying 'Name' - components must have unique names } if UpperCase(PropInfos^[Loop]^.Name) = 'NAME' then Continue; StrVal := GetStrProp(ObjFrom, PropInfos^[Loop]); if Assigned(PropInfo) then SetStrProp(ObjTo, PropInfo, StrVal); end; tkMethod: begin MethodVal := GetMethodProp(ObjFrom, PropInfos^[Loop]); if Assigned(PropInfo) then SetMethodProp(ObjTo, PropInfo, MethodVal); end end end finally FreeMem(PropInfos, Count * SizeOf(PPropInfo)); end; end;