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import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Either as Either

type Name = String
type Content = String
type Error = String

data DiskEntry = File Name Content
               | Directory {name :: Name
                 , entries :: Map.Map String DiskEntry
                 } deriving (Show)

-- | The 'mkdir' function creates a new directory inside the given
-- directory.  Attempts to create a 'DiskEntry' with the name 'name'
-- inside the given 'directory'. If an entry with that name already
-- exists an error is returned. If such an entry does not exist
-- then it is added to the destination 'DiskEntry' and is returned
-- as part of a tuple, where the left entry is the old (modified) 'DiskEntry'
-- and the right entry is the newly created 'DiskEntry'.
mkdir :: Name -> DiskEntry -> Either Error (DiskEntry, DiskEntry)
mkdir entryName destination = do
  if Map.member entryName $ entries destination then do
    Left $ "mkdir: cannot create directory '" ++ entryName ++ "': File exists"
    else do let
              newDirectory = Directory entryName Map.empty    
              d = addToEntries entryName newDirectory destination
              in Right (d, newDirectory)

addToEntries :: Name -> DiskEntry -> DiskEntry -> DiskEntry
addToEntries newEntryName newEntry destination = do
    updatedEntries = Map.insert newEntryName newEntry (entries destination)
    d = Directory (name destination) updatedEntries
    in d

ls :: DiskEntry -> [DiskEntry]
ls currentDirectory = map snd $ Map.toList $ entries currentDirectory

root :: DiskEntry
root = Directory "/" Map.empty

main :: IO ()
main = do
  -- Pretend that we have several "Either Error (DiskEntry, DiskEntry)"
  -- We know that we have Right values, so get the first result from
  -- that and extract the first element in the tuple which is the
  -- newly modified "root" directory.
  let old = fst $ Either.rights [mkdir "bin" root] !! 0

  putStrLn "Connected. Take this shell, and may it serve you well."
  putStrLn "I will not you create anything yet, but there is a"
  putStrLn "directory, \"/\" which you are currently in."
  putStrLn "The `ls` command should let you see what else is there"
  putStrLn "I will do that for you now"

  putStrLn $ show $ ls old


?  ls-adventures git:(master) ? ghci main.hs
GHCi, version 7.10.2: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( main.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> :main
Connected. Take this shell, and may it serve you well.
I will not you create anything yet, but there is a
directory, "/" which you are currently in.
The `ls` command should let you see what else is there
I will do that for you now
[Directory {name = "bin", entries = fromList []}]

我对更新目录的方法非常不满意,我更希望我的函数能够在适当的位置更新引用的目标目录.这可能通过State Monad这样的东西来实现吗?哦,我认为代码看起来很可怕,就像非惯用的Haskell一样?

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